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The Mitchell Report


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I am just trying to actually read some of the report (mostly just the reports on specific players) and if you get a chance I highly recommend reading some of it. The Roger Clemens section in particular is quite hard for me to read as he was (keyword: was) one of my favourite players, and he essentially started doing roids because of Canseco and the Blue Jays...too bad.

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it'll be barry larkin for me...

i just downloaded the report - should be some good stoner reading. :cool:

i watched the mitchell press conference on espn, too, and it was kinda strange... he really did seem to stress there should be some punishment for extreme cases... it also left me a little foggy on the whole legal/illegal banned business... so, it was an illegal substance, but not "banned" until 2002? what does that even mean? prior to 2002 you could legally use an illegal substance? they're referring to "cheating" happening prior to 2002, but the substance wasnt banned till then - so why the "cheating" designation?

i just wanna get my facts straight cuz now im all confused what any of it means.

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I guess they need to look at it two ways.

1. Which substances were actually illegal for all of society.

2. Which substances were actually banned or not in baseball alone.

In the case of #1 I think it's case closed. They should at the minumum have their records wiped from the books.

#2 is a little more clouded. I don't think baseball should go back and punish players who at the time were taking substances that were not officially declared illegal. However it wouldn't bother me if these players were not given the honor to make the Hall of Fame.

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i got ya, badams...

and i just read in the report that steroids were added to baseball's drug policy by fay vincent in 1991 - and that selig didnt alter that.. so, the references to them being banned in 2002 must come from the new joint drug agreement established then.. but, if they were already prohibited... i suppose its just that there was no test, so no official proof... aside from whatever has come out in this report now.

so, as i understand it, they weren't newly banned, they always were. that changes a lot for me.

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I guess they need to look at it two ways.

1. Which substances were actually illegal for all of society.

In the case of #1 I think it's case closed. They should at the minumum have their records wiped from the books.

I agree, but dont think it could work. They'd have to start stripping teams of WS titles too. It would get real ugly, real fast.

The only way to save it, in my opinion, is to leave evrything alone that happened before 2002 (or whenever Jose wrote his book). We'd all get over it.

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I don't know if they can really look back at things like wins, records, accomplishments etc. and strip them or change them or whatever. People will always look at this era and remember what happened and judge accordingly. The only thing baseball can do is look forward in order to make sure that this kind of scandal never happens again.

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huge can of worms, for sure... how to deal with it? no idea. the ripple effect is huge.. players believed to be clean, like say maddux and glavine, amassed tons of wins with the help of tainted bats, from say, a david justice, who's name shows up... its a lot of fall out... maybe not an asterisk, but maybe a bracket around it, the fuckery years.

but i'll be raising a shitstorm if any of these guys get into the hall before pete. fuck.that.shit.

most disappointing names from the list for me.. lenny dykstra and hal morris... HAL MORRIS! the dude struggled to hit 10 home runs a season...

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