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Looking to upgrade TV system in Ottawa


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I think it's finally time to upgrade my TV (a 21" RCA unit I bought in 1991), and I know pretty much zilch about what to buy and where (in Ottawa). Given that I'm not a movie (or sports or videogame) buff, I don't need a full-on home theatre system, just something thin (flat panel) that I can stick in front of the fireplace (which I don't use). I'll also be getting a DVD player for it (my combination VCR/DVD player is fritzed out*), mostly to watch music DVDs. Ultimately, I plan on hooking it to my home stereo (old Akai integrated amp, Paradigm Mini Monitor speakers), so the unit wouldn't need super-high quality audio, just something half-decent (heck, stereo would be an upgrade).

I did some websurfing, and found this unit at Future Shop, and I think it meets most of my needs (without having much I don't need). Does anybody have any recommendations about what (in terms of features and buzzwords/acronyms) I should be looking for? Aside from Future Shop, what stores in Ottawa would be good to check out? What are good/bad brands? I think my total budget (TV + DVD player) would be around $1000.00.



* I've thought about getting just a cheap DVD player, but I'd need an RF modulator to make it work with the TV, which is another box and another set of cables, so I figure I should take a bigger step up.

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I'm partial to Sony when it comes to TVs. Here are a couple of 32" models worth checking out at the same price point and lower.



As for a DVD player, you don't need to spend more than $100 to get something decent. Make sure whatever you buy can play DivX, it's a nice feature to have. In fact, the less you spend on the DVD player sometimes the better as some of the really low end ones are region free and will playvback a greater variety of non-North American discs.

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Given the fact that Samsung makes panels for Sony, it's hard to say that Sony is the way to go. It would be recommended to go with a known brand regardless. Some LCD's look better than others from the side so that is worth going to look with your own eyes. There are a lot of varying opinions on all of this so I would go and take a look and see what looks best to you at the price point that you are thinking. Your major chains are all going to have really hot buys on this week so it's a good time to be looking. I'm pretty sure that Bleeker is the biggest independent in your area if you don't want to deal with the majors. Costco probably has some good deals too if you know anyone with a membership.

If you don't care about audio/video quality on a DVD player you can get away with anything. A player with HDMI out might look better on your new TV though, just don't pay too much for the cable.

Don't get sucked into the warrnty thing either...

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despite the fact that your not a movie, game or sport buff, I think it's safe to say that you enjoy hi-quality sound and in turn, you should also enjoy HD video which is paired with digital sound.

You shouldn't skimp too much. You can get a decent HD display and an audio package that will make you wonder why you've not taken an interest in quality. Don't you watch concert dvd's? Some of those are in some serious hi quality video and audio.

Shit, even the dvd-audio version of Beatles Love is incredible to experience.

Have a look at some of the 1st party lcd panel makers (like sharp) and even a package audio deal that will set you up with a basic 5.1 system including speakers.

I have that receiver and I love it. It's missing many higher end features, but it allows you to enjoy all of the latest in entertainment. Note though, that I have my own upconverting dvd player and speakers. This package here has everything that you need for an upgrade though.

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if you don't get an HD television package, you're wasting your money.

Exactly. Dont you dare buy an HDTV without going high-def from a cable subscriber or you are throwing away your money.

I went from having 70ish channels through standard cable to now having 900-something channels, although only 35 of them are high def.

But they are the only ones I watch. So do the math. I almost doubled my tv bill but I only tune to half the channels I used to tune to. Its the only way to go if you go this route.

What does a HD package give you?

See above.

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And another thing, don't nickel and dime when you finally get around the nerve to buy. Get the best deal, but not at the cost of a good and suitable set.

And Brad, get a fucking good sound-system - think how good all that sci-fi you've horded will sound? A good sound-system will make your TV look bigger and better too. Trust me, that comment makes sense to all of us in the HD know. And don't buy an all-in-one girly surround system. They are junk. Go to an indendent store and build from the receiver outwards.

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And don't buy an all-in-one girly surround system. They are junk. Go to an indendent store and build from the receiver outwards.

now that comment is just wrong. i hope all the girls jump in and explain how that might have been offensive to girls and sound.

if you don't think you want or need a surround sound package, then you shouldn't go out and buy everything at jaimoe's specs. Go out and get something that will give you 5.1 at an ENTRY level and in a couple of years, when 7.1 is standard and new tech and deals come out, you'll be ready to upgrade.

jaimoe will try to convince you to spend 5 grand, and I know you don't want to do that. YOu can easily spend within your budget and still experience HD and 5.1 sound.

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Mike, you don't need to spend 5 grand. I didn't. You can get a decent speaker package with sub for $500-$600. You can get a decent entry level stereo with a good name for $300. Why buy a hunk of junk system for $300 when you'll be just buying something better (and more expensive) in a few years time? And we'll see if 7.1 becomes standard. Only a small percentage of films utilize 6.1 let alone 7.1.

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Hey Brad,

I didn't totally read what others wrote but steph and I got a 32" sony bravia (and it's under $1000 now). I don't know what people mean up there saying that sony doesn't make panels, etc, but I'll tell you: they're the best and screw anyone who says otherwise. They have a mad wicked interface that a 2 year old could use, they have a wicked picture and if you have multiple sony device attached via HDMI, they will talk to each other and work together to make things, yes, even easier... Also, look up in google about HDMI problems. You'll find that sony is pretty much the only company to so far get it completely right (and it's worth it for superior picture quality and the inter device communication).

Now, there's other things you might want to take into consideration. If you're watching music dvd's and they're from the internet, well, they suck as far as quality goes and look even worse on HD flatscreens (not a reason not to get one, just a warning)

If you don't watch movies, don't worry about surround all that much. It's great for explosions and cars driving by but for concerts, well, the music at a show isn't in surround, it comes from the left and right so it's not necessary to have it in surround off the dvd, I'd say just stay with your current sound system. And 7.1 is better and will be the standard (if not 9.1 or even higher) so ignore anyone who says otherwise. With blu-ray discs and mad storage capacities, staying with 5.1 or 6.1 is just stupid but that's the future, ignore it all now.

HDMI is the way to go from dvd to tv (does sound too but an optical cable will be best for that, no interference) but HDMI cables cost a fortune (one of the 3 foot ones I have was $100 though it's a really high quality one, the other is a 6 foot from costco that was only $35 and the difference isn't worth the extra money).

Conclusion: My preference is Sony. Good price, great quality, wicked interface, you can't go wrong. If you don't really care, though, LG will be cheap and still looks good.

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... just don't pay too much for the cable.

Don't miss this point. And under no circumstances buy a Monster brand cable. Bouche gets good prices on cables by ordering online, hopefully he'll post the address.

I also don't think HDMI is *necessary* as component cable still looks wicked good.

As for sound, I still run a stereo setup and it's totally acceptable. I seem to recall from a post in the past that you don't play music loud at home anyway so you might not get the benefits of 5.1 system. You can always look at upgrading your audio at a later date.

As for getting an HD TV package, it's only worth it if you watch a lot of TV, and in particular sports. It's just too expensive to justify otherwise. If you plan to watch DVDs on your new TV you'll still get the widescreen benefit, and you can always upgrade your TV package later. Makes no sense buying a 4:3 TV at this point.

There's no one solution for everybody, it depends on your needs.

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Mike, you don't need to spend 5 grand. I didn't. You can get a decent speaker package with sub for $500-$600. You can get a decent entry level stereo with a good name for $300. Why buy a hunk of junk system for $300 when you'll be just buying something better (and more expensive) in a few years time? And we'll see if 7.1 becomes standard. Only a small percentage of films utilize 6.1 let alone 7.1.

did you look at the links i posted? I was posting to quality entry level gear. There is nothing wrong with a boxed set of speakers by a solid name and they are properly matched as well.

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