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extreme weather!


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As cool as it is to have left the snows of montreal for the sunny and warm weather of Dakar, I'm starting my planning for returning to the communities where I've been doing work and the weather forecasts are looking scarey! Top the temperatures off with massive amounts of dust and no electricity for fans or air conditioning and I'm not sure how well I'll handle it. At least it's not humid!

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Rub it in, jerk! I'd way rather be too hot than cold. This weather in Ontario makes me sick, literally. Temperatures have been going up and down and up and down and up and down and now I feel like a bag of smashed assholes. Go fuck your hat! ;)

Normally I'd agree, but 38 with little shade, no fan, riding around on the back of a motorbike eating dust all day isn't quite my idea of a sunshine getaway. Funniest thing is some of the guys there, for whatever reason I don't understand, wear wool toques all day in this weather. Wierdest clothing selection ever.

Dakar on the other hand is breezy and 25-30 everyday which absolutely kicks ass. :content:

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i like the cold, so i think that weather is ridiculously hot. good luck with that! bouche has good suggestions for beating the heat.

I'm with you. Plus, getting warmer when you are cold is a *lot* easier than trying to cool down when you are too hot. You can always put on an extra sweater if you're cold, but you can only take off so many clothes before you're naked and *still* too hot.

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Rub it in, jerk! I'd way rather be too hot than cold. This weather in Ontario makes me sick, literally. Temperatures have been going up and down and up and down and up and down and now I feel like a bag of smashed assholes. Go fuck your hat! ;)

What she said! :)

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