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Super Freak

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I got there late and totally missed all of Mark Wilson's set. [Frown]

They might have been great... it was too hot inside for me. Gave me chest pains and all. Guess I'm a bit of a sissypants. From what I saw the boys were playin'a real tight set but I just couldn't stay inside... what with the bowls and joints and Jaegermeister out of the trunk of a car. I had a great time and it was a real live Give'er Gang reunion! [Razz] It felt like I was back at Izzy's for CTMF! [big Grin] Even the Give'er stick is back in the K-dubs! [big Grin] A little Jamdown Dancin', lil'dancin', that's right folks, this one had it all... and the ladies... [Wink]

Needless to say... My head hurts... [Wink]

Thanks to Marky Mark Toon'in for puttin'on the ritz. [big Grin] And to the bands for not being pissed that it was so hot and for effin'GIVE'N'ER! [big Grin]

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agreed, it was a blast. definitely very hot inside, but there was plenty of fun to be had outside too... trunk-bar in effect.

the drum circle was fun... thanks for the hollerin' tigger. woop woop woohaaaa!!! brrrrrrrrrrr!!! ayayaaayyyyy!

good to see so many familiar folks, and the creepy drunk guy was funny too. anyone see the guy in the plaid lumberjacket hittin up the ladies?

my only complaint: smokey never showed... i thought this was a lobster friendly event? stonedfree, i guess ill have to come back soon.

"for this particular mouth give'r, we're gonna forego the traditional trajectory technique in favor of a direct insertion."

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I started a thread about the show this morning before realizing that one had already started.

It was super-sweaty upstairs at the Lanc on Friday ... the band was hot and yes, so was the room. I'll have to work on that for next time. At one point I tried to open some windows, but they all looked like the type of windows that don't open, and by then it was too late to get the air conditioner going to cool things down. I'll definitely have to make plans to cool the room for next time ... although if the next show happens in the winter, people may be craving the heat. I personally didn't mind the heat and sweat (maybe my huge desire to prolong the summer was coming out), but I know that many people did and that it's something that I need to work on for next time.

A huge thank you to everyone who came to the show ... it is always a little stressful putting on a show, but it is so nice when people come out to support the event ... it makes all of the effort worthwhile.

Here is a copy of a post I made in another thread about the show:

Thanks to everyone who made it out to the Diesel Dog show at the Lanc in Kitchener on Friday night. People were rockin' and groovin' all night long, and the band played two big fat sets of music. Diesel Dog ... a super duper huge high five to all of you guys for giving it your all!

And wow, that drum circle at set break was great ... lots and lots of drummers came out, which made it really fun. Thanks to the U of W Drum Circle for leading the primal rhythm jam.

Thanks as well to Mark Wilson for playing a super-sweet set of soulful solo music early on in the evening. People really enjoyed it.

The event also raised $400 for ROOF, a support agency for homeless and at-risk youth. It's always nice to dance and party and let loose, while at the same time supporting a very worthwhile charity.

Looking forward to the next time ...

Peace, Mark

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Two more things:

1. Sorry about the creepy drunk guy (or guys) ... I'll also have to be prepared to deal with this for next time ... nobody should have to put up with it, especially when the band breaks into a song like Shakedown Street! Get outta my way and let me dance!!!

2. In addition to the new Diesel Dog cd entitled CHERRY HITS that was being sold at the show, we were also giving out copies of Diesel Dog's promotional cd entitled "Live at the Lanc". I know that many of you already have a copy of it, but if you don't, feel free to email me (marktonin@jambands.ca) with your snail mail address, and I'll send you a copy of it in the mail. It was recorded the last time Diesel Dog played at the Lanc and it sounds great.

Peace, Mark

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Big tune to LMP for the Pre-and Post party!

The pre-party consisted mostly of LMP and I gettin'drunk and complimenting the rest of our MIA friends on their MIA abilities to give'er, but it STILL kicked ass! [big Grin] Thanks to SugerMegs for drivin'too! [big Grin] Not as much Give'er as royalty is supposed to display, but a fine effort indeed! [Razz]

I just want everyone to know that althought the Give'er stick and I are separated, it's only a trial run and we will probably be getting together soon to discuss the terms of our reconciliation. And to you stick, our love can only blossom further... please come home baby.... [Roll Eyes]

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i know, LOL, i almost forgot about that too.

you know you've been givin'er when microwaving of the giverstick is a tiny little almost not remembered event of the evening.

and YEAH, YEAH DR. SISSYPANTS, whatever you say....hee hee, just kidding. we know you'll be around when you can. how 'bout some gov'ner's ball?

i like your avatar, thorg... very stealthy.

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