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Time for Bush to wake up and smell the Kofi

Davey Boy 2.0

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I think I've reached a state of 'shock and awe', watching Bush's wannabe-cowboy-fratboy-crooked grin while he tells (not aks) the UN what should happen in Iraq....what a tool...while i am not islamic i truly believe this is the act of infidels....I'm glad Kofi continues to be the enlightened man he is, that means there is hope...

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Of course, the UN proved itself to be entirely toothless years ago, when it did squat about China invading Tibet. And when it did nothing about the U.S. invading Iraq.

Where are the sanctions against America for blatantly violating international law?

(I'm not stoooopid - I know this will never happen, but that's my point...)

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I agree that this whole thing is screwed, and I suspect that's been his plan all along...Launch a war on his own with the firm knowledge that by pulling the heartstrings of all the UN Nations, there would be no way anyone would say no to Iraqi children HE'S displaced, the infrastructure HE'S collapsed, the groundless and baseless emerging government that HE claims will self-rule eventually.


I give him (or more likely his advisers) credit for this strategy because it does indeed challenge the relevancy of the UN. If in a year Iraq is more or less repaired (and with billions of dolars in funding, you know they will be) and the reconstruction effort was spurred by Bush and then eventually backed by the UN and all the war naysayers (notably France and Germany)....how can anyone contend that invading Iraq was bad? It's morally reprehensible...it goes against everything the UN stands for...it sets a dangerous precedent...but it ousted a dictator didn't it? There was an article in the globe a few days ago saying that the average iraqi, despite all the problems they are having, is still glad that the U.S. tossed Saddam out of office. If the conditions for this "Average" iraqi have imporved 1000 percent in a year's time, can we really argue that the war was ineffective and wrong? There is the devil...I'm his advocate.

Last week I went to a party at the house of commons celebrating 30 years of Vietnam-Canada relations (a freak set of circumstances allowed me to go to this snooty la-dee-da affair). I spoke with Canada's Ambassador to Afghanistan and asked him how long he thought it would take before his country was back where it was before the war. He said ten years at least, but that the year 2003 was the first year in which Afghanistan could successfully deny food donations because it had become self-sufficient. He had nothing negative to say about the U.S. but praised Canada's peacekeeping effort and said that in the long run, and despite us being their neighbour, Canada will always be respected for its peacekeeping stance, and that respect is always being amplified because we join coalitions with the United States, who are perceived as invaders. Interesting guy to say the least.

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I'm sure it's easier to get by without Saddam and his culture police but what about the fact that it's not the Iraqi's who own their own resources anymore. Of course, the infrastructure will be updated (not established cause it's already there) by multinational support organised by the UN. Iraqi's will not profit socially from the private ownership of Iraq by the rest of the world, they still won't have what they need; The right to choose their own government; The right to organise their own resources; The right to educate their own children...

The Americans beleive that Iraqi's need help to organise themselves but my question is if Daddy doesn't take away the Kalashnikov then everybody gets to keep havin'fun with'em, right? So now there's no real government, Iraqi funds are worthless, food prices have actually gone up in the short run, schools have been closed because of fears about Islamic militancy and the Americans won't forcibly remove arms from citizens because they profit off of ammunitions sales as well as on replacements (whether legit or not...).

Georgy has left France, Germany and Canada to clean up his mess, but he hasn't disarmed the former Iraqi military because they weren't beaten, they were driven into hiding. He's martyred Saddam and his sons, starved and bombed civilians and prevented peace in the nation for a good long time and we're thanking him for the chance to profit off of his theft and dishonesty.

Absolutely it throws the UN into question. The job of the UN is to ensure that no unilateral international violence occurs... the UN is by simple logic without teeth. The members of the security council could have chosen to prevent the war, but rather avoided American bloodshed in order to keep it away from the "free press" and to deal with the killing later. So now because of a testical-dectomy they can no longer prevent the invasion of defenseless "rogue" nations of people. People who now have a really good reason to be pissed with the West, whether led by America or in the guise of a legit'coalition. Canadian peacekeepers now get to catch the bullets intended for American children.

Just to play Jesus'advocate but even a dictator has some support, somewhere. For instance, Germany and France both managed to continue economic relations with this threat to world security. In fact these trade deals kept Iraqi's fed during a time of vicious American sanctions. [Confused]

Like Jerry McGuire said "Show me the weapons of mass destruction!"

Cuba "Louder!" [Roll Eyes]

Afghanistan is a very differnet case altogether. They had essentially no public support systems and relied only on religious faith to guide them, which is obviously wrong.... [Frown]

I mean, can Allah really help you manipulate the index of your favorite stock?

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