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Go Habs Go - Fan Forum 08/09


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Come on MrBigTime. Get it together. Brian Rolston for Marc Denis?????

Is that what you asre trying to say? That's completely ludicrous.

I never said that you saggy ole Wookie... I was just saying staing what we may have up for offer, and what they may have to offer...

Halak + Begin for Rolston though... maybe... but he's 35, and just signed a 4 year extension, and plays RW... we need a good 27-31 y/o offensive defenseman...which NJ doesn't have to offer..

My point being, NJ needs a goaler, we have 2 decent ones which we would entertain offers for, and not many others teams do...

Watch out Booche, I got a lamp with your name on it...

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Who the fock does Jim Balsillie think he is? He (supposedly) said that the Habs were up for sale ???? The same guy who started selling season tickets before actually having a team...

Hope he never gets a franchise

Here's the headline of the story:


And if you read down to the third paragraph:

"When asked by TSN to respond to the report, Balsillie's lawyer Rich Rodier said, "absolutely not, it couldn't be farther from the truth, there is nothing to it - zero."

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"According to La Presse, Balsillie told the newspaper that the 100-year-old club was for sale"

And than he went on to personaaly write an apology to G.Gillette...

When was the last time you heard of someone, let alone a multi-millionaire, writing an apology for something he didn't say? Seems a bit much if it was purely hearsay.. he would have simply challenged the paper itself if it wasn't true.

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Thse times are not all 100% but close as I can tell...

6:35pm: Mark text's Kirk about rickets for Dec4 againdt the NYR.

6:40pm. Kirk says he has 4 tickests for us.

6:45pm Mark mentions it it my Bday.

7:00pm Kirk says that is cool, It will be a good time. We will have a blast, but he has to go the game wikk start soon.

10:00pm we text Kirk and tell him unless the team gets better we dont want the tickets,..

I hope he knows we are kidding... I still want to go :)

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Guest Low Roller


The text sequence, not the game.

Boy was that a stinker. Kovalev was invisible all night, among a flurry of players that did close to nothing. Was it because the Habs played terrible, or because the Leafs actually played a good game? Some of the goals that the Leafs scored were absolute beauties but that still doesn't excuse the fact that players like Kovalev, Plekanec, Latendresse, Laraque, and Tanguay were completely invisible.

Laraque should've punched a bitch out. Preferably Grabo(v/w)sk(y/i).

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Guest Low Roller

I wish I was drunk last night. I actually paid attention to the game in complete horror of what I was seeing.

I need to find a positive in here somewhere.....

At least the Bulldogs beat the Marlies last night. ;)

First he was the Captain of the Prince Albert Raiders in the WHL...


Then he was the Captain of Team Canada for the World Junior Championship in 2006...


Now say hello to the newest Captain of the Hamilton Bulldogs...


Kyle Chipchura!

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Guest Low Roller

Fun facts:

Did you know that Mathieu Dandenault is the second highest paid fourth liner/frequent scratch in the league ($1,725,000)?

#1 is Gary Roberts with Tampa Bay($2,420,000).

Also, the Habs are undefeated in regulation time with Dandenault in the line-up.

The Habs have the second highest average salary for fourth-line players/frequent scratches in the league at $1,173,900 for five players.

#1 is Tampa Bay with 5 players averaging $1,181,500 for fourth line duties.

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dunno if koivu intended that as a pass, but if so, wow.

i think it was just a clear that ended up on higgins' hand though.

of course he intended it.

too bad people dont really throw their hats on the ice anymore.. think higgins got one tossed out there for him.

finally a solid 60 minutes.

Ruutu is a monkey. guess he was so happy to get off the ice he was smiling and waving at 3 down..

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