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Garaj Mahal - Ottawa - Ticket List


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If you have been unable to purchase tickets in advance due to a lack of hard ticket options for Ottawa, and would like tickets at the advance price, I will create a list of names and you'll be able to get tickets at the door for $15. There will be a stipulation though.

1. Send an email to bouche AT jambands.ca - subject: "Garaj Mahal Advance Ticket"

2. Put in the body, your full name and the number of tickets.

3. You must be at Maverick's on Saturday, Nov.1 Between the time the doors open at 9 pm and 10:15 pm in order to get the ticket at $15. After that, the list will be tossed.

Edited by Guest
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Exactly' date=' the last time Bouche was there.[/quote']

ugh..... is that some kind of insult?

no, this is:

Oh man it's fun to hear the guys perspective on this stuff.

It never ceases to amaze me how grown men:

- Don't know how to use knives and napkins when eating to make the experience more quiet and civilized.

- Can piss on the floor beside the toilet. The opening really isn't the size of a coin for Christ sake!

- Can walk pass a spill, a stain, or dog shit without cleaning it up.

- Can have more t-shirts in the wash than underwear. I'm not that great at math but this one is perplexing.

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