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fuÇking crackhead

Big Wooly Mammoth

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Exactly. I'd thought that I was getting your back. (ie., I'd thought that you were slyly, in a Y.T. kind of way, suggesting that the clean pipe program - while very possibly well-considered - wasn't ultimately a solution to the greater problem)

But now I feel like we've just hijacked BWM's thread and are all about Ottawa's crack craziness.

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nah, I just wanted to vent. don't feel that this has been hijacked.

i know a social worker who was attending a meeting at the Sandy Hill health centre. she saw someone walking out of the centre (she assumed that he was leaving a rehab clinic) and walk across the street and purchase *something* in a baggie. doesn't give you that much of a chance if you can purchase your drugs 10 ft outside of the clinic.

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T.B. isn't a dick - he's a healer from the 'the incision is more urgently needed than the anesthetic' school.

It's often better to listen than to preach, but sometimes a little preaching is necessary to shift perspective. 'fucking crackhead' is a pretty provacative title after all, and giving voice to an under-represented group and challenging us to examine our own prejudice is noble in it's own way. So long as the over-arching theme is the appropriate acknowledgement of BWM's victimization and the appropriate sympathy for the same, there is room for discussion about where we stand vis-a-vis other people's pain and how we make cultural emblems out of other victims (who may also victimize us).

Ramble, ramble. I feel like I'm spending all of my time trying to build bridges lately, when I should be working :)

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about the crack pipe program - and i can't remember where i heard this so it could be flawed - but i believe that the reason they were going to shut it down was b/c it wasn't working. i.e., they were giving out clean crack pipes, but then the users were just allowed to leave and smoke their crack, with no oversight as far as sharing the pipes. so basically, you could get your clean pipe, and then go share it with someone who has hep c or another disease which they're trying to prevent through the program. kind of pointless. i think the idea is good but in practice, how useful?

at least at the insite safe injection site in vancouver you have to stay, use your drugs, and then leave your used needle there. sadly, i have heard that this has not been very successful in preventing overdoses and other drug-related illnesses. :(

[please correct me if i'm wrong on any of the above... i know someone will :) ]

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meggo - this is tricky in that a pipe is generally a multi-use device while a syringe is generally a single use device.

The crack pipe program could certainly be run better, but there are many voices that insist that it has staved off disease. I have also heard regarding the safe-injection sites that there hasn't been appreciable decline in disease (probably with you) and that overdoses do happen at SI sites. But there seem to be countervailing studies about this, and OD protection is only one small pillar of of what SI sites are about. Getting people to a place where they can see the ability to get help when they are ready for it, and ready to request it, is one of the foundational pillars.

Admittedly, I haven't dug down into the most recent research the way I would have when I was younger and more energetic, but my understanding of what I've read in the past is that while the safe injection sites may be used only haphazardly by some (which does not help with disease prevention, because it only takes one mistake), they are used diligently by others. And they do, again, present a hospice of sorts, where help is available if you just can't take it all anymore.

Someone wrote somewhere, sometime that to rehabilitate addicts, you first need to keep them alive.

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That sucks!

I really didn't mean to be a dick though cause I'm guilty too. I freaked the last time I had something stolen from me I think I'm mellowing a little. Still epidemics don't happen without us somewhat ignoring the vectors, not that any of us individuals can change it now, but collectively we've gotta figure out something new cause this shit ain't workin'.

It's brutal that people are so inconsiderate, especially when they get strung out. But it's kinda like using a negative word to describe someone gay when there's a dozen ways of saying it that on't make people feel like shit, yeah?

I am a dick ;)

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But it's kinda like using a negative word to describe someone gay when there's a dozen ways of saying it that on't make people feel like sh!t, yeah?

So now your putting gayness on the same level as crack-headedness?

Dude, I'm sure you are not a dick. Possibly you suffer from foot-in-mouth disease?

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But it's kinda like using a negative word to describe someone gay when there's a dozen ways of saying it that don't make people feel like sh!t, yeah?

So now your putting gayness on the same level as crack-headedness?

Nowhere in there did I equate one with the other, but I suggested rather that both categories of people suffer from negative forms of discrimination in our society that is totally unnesesary. And more often than not this bigotry is supported by language that makes it OK to continue feeling that way. Read carefully.

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probably am a dick :)
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