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Chicken on the grill


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For pieces (legs and breast)

Marinade:olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt, pepper

2-4 hours in that marinade and then I do a quick direct grill and then move the meat off of the heat and cover the grill for indirect roasting. About 40 minutes later, should have meat in the 165-170 range for tender yumminess.

I just did a whole chicken based on a Rick Bayless recipe and it was STELLAR! It was an oven roast, but I could have done it on the barbecue too.

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Had some incredible grilled chicken for lunch today. There's a new African restaurant on St. Joseph Blvd in Hull that specializes in wood burning grill. I'm guessing it's very similar to Yre's on Charlotte (now closed).

Very worth checking out if you're in the area... Poulet DG. It's on St. Joseph close to Montclair Blvd.

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There is a caterer in Spencerville who specializes in doing big events where he digs a pit bbq and rotisserates the chickens over it. He has this vinegar and pepper based sauce that is the shit.

My family buys it in 4L jugs. I usually get one as part of my Christmas gifts every year. It is the best marinade and basting sauce ever!

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