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Thanks RELIX...

Phunky Cauldron

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I like Relix for what it is. There's not a lot of publications out there that even know who TOO, Moe., WSP or Phish are so I guess they should be commended for covering jambands exclusively. Plus nero even made it onto their pages and I certainly won't complain about that.

My only problem with the magazine is something that is also expressed in many of the letters to the Relix editors. I don't think our scene is about commercialism and materialism. Do we want our music mags to sell us mass produced clothes, video games and gagets? This personally doesn't appeal to me. I would like to see more pages devoted to music or scene/tour specific articles.

Mind you, I still read it cover to cover, but not all those pages are relevent or interesting to me.

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I can deal with all that extra stuff because I know that advertising is what pays for all the great pics and stories. I don't know what relix was like back in the day, but i don't know how you can put out a magazine without advertising. I feel its a small price to pay...although, it would be sweet to have more "scene-phriendly" advertisers take up more space.

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My problem with Relix is the advertising disguised as content. Like the video game review and Vanilla Coke as best new product in the readers poll? They expect us to believe that a bunch of hippies voted for Gov't Mule, Phish, and Vanilla Coke? C'mon. I sincerely doubt that they even asked.

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Yeah, just got mine today. Thanks for organizing that Aaron.

As for the issue of content... I think there is quite a bit more music content than the latter stages of the old ownership/ editorship, where every other issue seemed to have a 15 page black & white photo layout of various GD shows, without any indication where the picture was from or when... just filler really.

All the ads and "helpful articles" telling us what brand of $100 sandals will best get me through the trecherous festival season, need to go.

Hey Relix, bring back the incarcerated Deadheads section!!! [Wink]

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THanks Aaron! Got mine today..

While I shouldn't really complain about a magazine that was sent to me for free (and I'm yet to purchase an issue of Relix), I totally agree that the Tools of the Trade section and the video games review section are pushin' it a little too much.

Has anyone seen that band OAR before? Heard 'em?

Also, check out that personal ad on the far right column on page 95!

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I really am disappointed with Relix (no I did not get the free copy). All those ads etc, but the worse thing was in a copy about three months ago, there was a video game section with the author of the review saying how he loved all the action in this new game including shooting and robbing etc. That just plain sucks, and is not somehting I want to be part of my community.

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