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Sanctuary update pledge drive


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I have an opportunity to upgrade the sanctuary to the latest version but there is a slight cost and my advertising pool is dry at the moment.

Would anyone be interested in pledging $1, $3 or whatever? The goal is to come up with $45. Not much but apparently there is more protection against hacking and stuff in version 3.2.

If so, please direct a payment to paypal - boucheATjambands.ca

I'll make a change to status flags for every donor, or even give you a custom title.

If there's any extra money for some reason, I'll direct it to other future site costs, but I'll try and keep on top of it so I can let y'all know when the goal has been reached.

My sincere thanks,


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Hey Everyone,

Thanks so much for such a quick response. The goal has been reached! No need to send anymore donations.

It'll probably take a couple of days to get things updated and of course, I'll have to lock down the site, take a backup, then update before going live again.

I'm really touched by the support,


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If only everyone sent in a buck a year......but I digress until I start with me.

There are a few of you folks who blew my socks off when I heard what you donated. You guys know who you are and while this is gonna be hard I promise to not make fun of you in Rich Stadium until the NHL regular season starts. Most impressive.


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still waiting on info before I can complete the upgrade. database error that makes no sense is holding me back. there are new features worth exploring. more details after I get 'er done.

Thanks again, especially for that $1. I know it seems meaningless, but them bucks add up.

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