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Spincylce's new Line-up with the freeker!


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That's right SPincyle has expanded from a three peice to a 6 peice band, since our last show's...joing the original cast of MIke Filipowitsch...Jeremy LIttle and Lowell Binstock...are original BNB trumpet player Scott Farmer on the piano and the Synth...Our good Friend Stella is on the backing vocals...and newcommer Mike( so new to our group that I have not yet asked what his last name is yet....) on the peddel Steel and the electric guitar...we ahve been rehersing hard and look forward to hanging and partying with our good friends the hiway freeker this Saturday the 22nd at clintons in toronto! See ya there MIke

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Originally posted by bouche:

I'd love to see some of this. I'll be in town with ms.hux, dr.hux, and jenny bear. I'd love to find our way to Clinton's.

Dude, you guys are in town this weekend? Nice! I believe I've got a holiday party with some of my wife's friends that night, but perhaps we'll make a stop at Clinton's later - the new SpinCycle line-up sounds fun, and I always love seeing Freeker.

Hux & Jenn know where Clinton's is, they were there seeing us and Meat last week! [big Grin] It's Bloor west of Bathurst, east of Christie.


Mr. M.

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