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I miss Wassabi...


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Those guys kick my ass every time I see them, and as I sit here and chill, listening to their show from The Rivoli this past August (08-16-03), I realize that I really do miss seeing them live. It's too bad the kids out west don't know how lucky they are, these guys bring so much energy to the stage, and Melissa has such an amazing voice... I hope they swing back out here in the spring. I'm thinking a week long Wassabi tour... Anyone have any Wassabi shows they'd like to trade? Too bad the CTMF from Izzy's wasn't taped. Sickness...

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I just saw Wassabi 2 nights ago here in Vasncouver. I was curious to see what they were like without Jeremy (I saw them shortly after the marimba's left as well) They no longer have the world-beat rhythm vibe - it's waaay more hippy-trance and reggae mostly due to the new guitarist, who has kinda hijacked the band. He's from a band called Cube, an electronica/trance style band from somewhere out west here. He is an awesome guitarist (I really enjoyed his style) but their sound is not as accessible as it was with the marimbas and Jeremy on guitar. Overall, they are still an amazing band with amazing energy and huge talent (Melissa), although the sex-cult vibe is still there and still irritating. (amongst some of the fans as well - I saw a guy sit in-front-of one of the hippy-crystals at the front of the stage and pray to it for the entire intermission - it was unnerving)

PS: BOOO to the $10 cover charge for Wassabi at the Piccadilly on a Thursday - no wonder the bar was empty.

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Hey all, gotta pass on the news..........Wassabi........(hurts to say it)...........is going through truly heavy times. There 2 merimba players are out, wich most probebly know, but now, Jeremy left. Thats fucked. He was killer unique on his ax. Its Brutal to hear. Comon.........WASSaBI REUNITE!!!!

WTF eh? this is terrible....... The FUCKED thing is that they r STILL doing regular shows without Jeramy. its like there driving the car on empty while waving past the station. But hay, they kick ass and i love em.

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I saw Wassabi the other day and the new line-up is great!!! They're openning for the New Deal in on Dec. 4th here in Vancouver. Can't wait to see TND, and it'll be a treat to see Wassabi again.

I defenetely miss the Fat Cats. That's why you guys are so lucky.

peace from the west!!!

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looks like we have a replacment for Wassabi


Friday Nov. 28th

@ Pepper Jack's

38 King William st.



Organic, funky, deep, soulful spiritually uplifting.

The King Sunshine collective provides new colours to the spectrum of sound. They are Toronto's premier live house music experience. Audiences move as they perform soulful original material as well as remixes of past gems. Since 1998 they have been bringing people together to celebrate life, love and the power of music.

King Sunshine performs with up to 12 members, a vibrant horn section, sweet vocals and a solid 5-piece rhythm section. They have been fortunate to share billings with some of house music's finest, including DJ Sneak, Mark Farina, Theo Parrish, Ron Trent, Alton Miller, Nick Holder, Mark Grant, Frankie Feliciano, Abacus, Jason Palmer, Groove Institute and Kenny Bobien.

"Another band performing with DJs and vocalists alike -- and blowing minds as they do -- is King Sunshine... Seeing themselves as a bridge between live and electronic, jazz and dance musics, King Sunshine blend soul, funk, Latin and jazz influences into a live house experience." - EYE, Toronto

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