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Someone stole my credit!!!! - UPDATE


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Originally posted by secondtube:

dude, find out who did it, and raise some shit...

i'd be emailing whoever took credit...

and LOOSE it

Already did it. Tracked the moron down on RMP. If I don't get some action on this today his email addy is being posted in numerous highly visible places.

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at the least...

who is the offender, do u know his login alias?

i'd be starting there, getting the ip address, calling his provider, explaining the situation, and going from there....

if that doesn't work, i know of some easy to execute email virus's that will make him wish he didn't fuck with you....especially if he's running XP.

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All you need are your original photoshop files I think, or at least the original hires version.

Do you still have your files?

Sorry ST, but 'calling his provider' made me laugh. The RIAA I think is the only group that have successfully got an internet provider to supply any identies.

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I think I speak on behalf of everyone on the board when I say we are fully behind you on this basher, and are all hoping the evil-doers are brought to justice, and you receive the full-credit you are due.

I just hope in trying times such as these you are able to find comfort and assurance that in due course right will prevail, and you will receive credit for your little internet poster.


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Originally posted by Dr. Huxtable:

I think I speak on behalf of everyone on the board when I say we are fully behind you on this basher, and are all hoping the evil-doers are brought to justice, and you receive the full-credit you are due.

I just hope in trying times such as these you are able to find comfort and assurance that in due course right will prevail, and you will receive credit for your little internet poster.


It was nice seeing you Saturday night at Freeker Hux - oh wait, you didn't show, had more important stuff to do.


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Reminds me of a good credit story.

My step-father was an art teacher at Sprucedale, the maximum security young-offenders school/jail. He got a lot of respect from the students for being a long hair and letting them say fuck etc. (plus hey, art is fun and they were in jail). Anyways, the superintendent of the jail was really keen on having the kids submit art for the local county fair. Perstering them and my step-dad etc.

Well my mom decided to be a judge with one of her friends for all the high-school art. Much to her surprise (and chagrin (sp?)) when she got there most of the Sprucedale submissions were my step-father's work. Hard to believe that these criminal would steal art...

Needless to say they got a lot of first place ribbons that year!

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Funny story momack.

I can't wait to see what happens, and I really hope this so called "Chad, aka Sgt. Floyd Pepper, on rmp" will get his name dragged in shit all over the internet.

We should really put on an effort to find his mailing address so we can sign him up for all sorts of embarrasing periodicles.

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YAY - They fixed it!


The image to the above right is altered (by Brian Sherman) from the DVD cover of Stephen King's sci-fi/horror thriller "It", which shares several characteristics with Phish's (posted by Chad, aka Sgt. Floyd Pepper, to rmp):

Both take place in Maine.

Both feature a group of old friends returning to Maine.

Both of the said groups were made up of dorks.

Both have balloons that float.

Both have strange hallucinations (for some).

Both have smelly sewage systems.

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