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Slayer Guitarist Jeff Hanneman Dies


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Jeff Hanneman, the guitarist for the thrash metal band Slayer, died Thursday of liver failure, the band announced in a statement on its website.

"Slayer is devastated to inform that their bandmate and brother, Jeff Hanneman, passed away at about 11AM this morning near his Southern California home," the statement said. "Hanneman was in an area hospital when he suffered liver failure. He is survived by his wife Kathy, his sister Kathy and his brothers Michael and Larry, and will be sorely missed."

As Billboard reports, Hanneman, 49, contracted necrotizing fasciitis, a rare skin tissue disease, two years ago most likely from a spider bite. It's not clear if the flesh-eating disease played in his death. Here's more from Billboard:

"Born in Oakland, Calif., and a devoted Raiders fan, Hanneman was raised primarily in Long Beach and became fascinated with wars and military campaigns — themes he'd bring to Slayer's music — via his father, a World War II veteran, and brothers who served in Vietnam. He met King in 1981 and decided to form their own band, mixing heavy metal and punk influences and signing with Metal Blade Records for Slayer's first two albums, Show No Mercy in 1983 and Hell Awaits in 1985. The group made an eyebrow-raising move to the hip-hop label Def Jam in 1986 for the covers album Undisputed Attitude and the classic Reign in Blood."

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I'm listening to Slayer all day today. Jeff wrote the music (and some of the lyrics) to Slayer's most heralded songs:

Angel of Death

Raining Blood

South of Heaven

War Ensemble

Seasons in the Abyss

just to name the obvious ones. His contributions to Slayer and thrash metal cannot be overstated.

Reign in Peace indeed!

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The attention-seeking Westboro Baptist Church has been busy this week, having protested NBA player Jason Collins for revealing he's gay and the late George Jones' funeral, stating the late country legend was a "drunkard," according to Taste Of Country

Now the church is attempting to exploit the death of Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman.

Wesboro Baptist Church Claims 'God' Killed Slayer's Jeff Hanneman, Fans Dare Them To Picket Funeral

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I want to know how the Westboro Baptist has all the time time and resources to be picketing this many funerals. The church doesn't have very many members and how are they affording to fly all over the country? Do they even follow through on their threats or do they just threaten to picket any funeral of note just for the attention.

I just try to ignore these fackers. Don't feed the trolls so to speak.


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I want to know how the Westboro Baptist has all the time time and resources to be picketing this many funerals. The church doesn't have very many members and how are they affording to fly all over the country? Do they even follow through on their threats or do they just threaten to picket any funeral of note just for the attention.

I just try to ignore these fackers. Don't feed the trolls so to speak.

"Don't feed the trolls" - I assume you're referring to the people challenging them to show up.

Anyway, they have money, lots of money actually. Most via the religious right conservatives in the US. Funded to do the "dirty work" as one westboro nutjob put it. A few documentaries on youtube that explore all that, one where the journalist goes and lives with one of the families for a time.

At one time they weren't allowed in Canada. Under the current gov't, I afraid they might be.

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"Don't feed the trolls" - I assume you're referring to the people challenging them to show up.

I'm refering to the media outlets that report their threats. It's an easy story for media to print and free publicity for the church. It's not very newsworthy though.

I was under the impression that this church only had a few dozen members who were all related to one another. Looks like I need to do some research.

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No less free publicity than searching out and posting a picture of their hatred. ;)

In a way I'm glad the media reports on the announcements from these assholes. Example, when Westboro announced they were going to come to Canada and spew their hate at the funeral of the young man who was beheaded out west. A FB group was started by the people in the community where the funeral was to be, and organized a large group to keep them away - some even making threats of violence causing the church to contact the police. The story drew the attention of the local police, then the RCMP and finally politicians in Ottawa. Westboro had basically asked for protection to exercise their freedom of speech but were warned by the RCMP they wouldn't be provided protection, and that Canada has had hate speech laws. So Ottawa directed the CBSA to refuse entry to anyone belonging to the group. The westboro assholes eventually changed their mind citing Canada was too dangerous or something along those lines. So, media attention made sure an already sad day for the family wasn't made even worse.

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