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I'm on the "Internet" !!!!

snarfmaster C

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earthfreak, there's a computer shop in peterborough that sells blank 80 min. cd's for super cheap --- i think its 35 cents per cd or somethin. Its called Benchmark Computers and .... and i'll be damned if i can remember the name of the street right now! i'll get back to ya. [smile]

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Originally posted by \/\/illy:

Walmart is evil. Why launder your karma and shop there? Never mind, don't want to stir ship up. However, in a capitalist society, you vote with your dollar.

Homer: "Oh, they have the Internet on computers now!"

where do you shop, Willy?

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shit....sorry willy, i didnt mean to do that....i'll make my point more clear so you don't have to respond...

"Walmart is evil. Why launder your karma and shop there? Never mind, don't want to stir ship up. However, in a capitalist society, you vote with your dollar.

Homer: "Oh, they have the Internet on computers now!""

.....but you'll eat at McDonald's? and if anyone knows you will, it oughta be me, i mean, who else can say they've puked up McDonald's in your truck? hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

[big Grin]

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