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Albany Phish setlist


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So I thought it would be on phish.net, cause teh official one is not updated and super slow... its not there, is that because Phish won't let them now that its real time or something? The only reason I ask is cause I saw this which seemed incredibly off:

"All setlists for on this page FEBRUARY THROUGH MARCH ONLY ©Copyright 2003 The Mockingbird Foundation. All Rights Reserved. The Mockingbird setlists may not be copied in any form (print, electronic, or otherwise) for any purpose, without the express written permission of the Mockingbird Foundation. (Standard Phish.Net copyright applies to the remainder of content on this page.) "

Whats that all about?


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FYI - so far...

12/1/03 Albany, NY

Set 1

Chalk Dust Torture





Wolfman's Brother

Good Times Bad Times

Set 2



You Enjoy Myself

Camel Walk*


Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress*

Run Like An Antelope*...

*w/ Jeff Holdsworth

[edited to add songs after YEM]

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reviwe from PT:

ilan27 Posted: 12/02/03 2:02AM ET

Sitting in Troy now, got out of the show about a quarter to twelve -- that second set was pretty damn long.

Kay, here's the highlights and lowlights:

Highlights of 1st set -- Chalkdust: Ripped. Deviated a little bit from the standard version, but not by much... not too long, either.

Stash: I swear that there was a "My Left Toe" jam smack right in the middle of the Stash jam... and if it wasn't actually "My Left Toe," at least it gives you an idea of what it was like... until Trey brought it right back into the Stash jam... there were some great peaks before the chugging ambient-ness in the middle, but the end ended almost climax-less -- but in a really good smooth way. Sweet.

Guyute: Flawless.

Wolfman's -> Good Times Bad Times: Highlight of the show. Twas a goddamn MONSTER. They brought out the groove-phunk like nobody's business. I mean, it was SERIOUS, folks. Page had some niiiice sounds in here. Energy going into GTBT was higher than the moon. Standard but ripping GTBT.

The entire first set was killer. Even Thunderhead was placed perfectly, great breather and rocked out in the end. What is with the perfect first sets this tour?? [smile]

LOWLIGHT: The sound was awful for at least the first half of the set. We were in 244, which is back of the arena Page corner, but my friend Karen told me that it was the same in 230 and 108. Boomy and muddy. By Wolfman's it had cleared up some, and the second set sounded 130% better. Props to Paul or whoever for fixing whatever was broke.

2nd Set Highlights:

Tweezer: At the time, I wouldn't have thought it'd be a highlight of the 2nd set, but given the shortage of highlights after YEM... Anyway, Tweezer was more than halfway decent... no rockin' out on this one. Long and ultra spacey. Think 11/29/98 Simple, but not as engaging. Fish picked it up some in the last couple of minutes and brought it full force into

2001: MAN. Just great. It wasn't your typical 2003 2001 -- they jammed the first section out very nicely. Almost flawless on the composed parts (trey made one tiny flub late in the song, not a big deal at all), LOTS of energy in the arena. 2nd section was shorter and less eventful -- more right to the point, which was the LIFTOFF into

YEM: and we're in orbit. Nearly flawless composed, as far as I could tell or remember, GREAT soloing from Trey at the pre-charge. Trey fucked up the tramps a couple of times, but who cares? The jam began all Mike and Fish laying it down... YEM jam was LONG and INTENSE and HYPER-ROCKING. Yes, HYPER-ROCKING, I says. Trey did a lot of jamming on a theme that reminded me of the one that really kicks the 6/11/94 YEM jam into high gear... not exactly like it, but similar. Great stuff from everyone going on and then Bass and Drums -- and Mike GOT DOWN. For like 3 or 4 minutes (of course, that timing is coming out of my ass, but it seemed like it was extended -- forgive me if I'm totally off here). Vocal jam was Tibetan Monk-ish... I thought the band might start to jam to Chris' lights, but thankfully they didn't. Pretty interesting vocal jam, more structured than the usual post-hiatus one.

So, YEM ends and everyone's going crazynuts and they bring out another mic in between Mike and Trey and lo and behold! -- It's JEFF HOLDSWORTH!!! WHAT! I heard rumours about Boston, of course, but who really expected him tonight? Wow, that's great! Yeah! Woo-hoo! Awright, they're gonna play Camel Walk and Possum!! How can it get any better?

Enter ------ LOWLIGHTS:

The rest of the 2nd set and the encore.

SUCKED THE DAMN ENERGY RIGHT OUT OF THE ENTIRE SHOW. Holdsworth should have done one song (Possum) and then gotten the hell off the stage. I've never seen a show go so far downhill like that when it seemed the most improbable. It was heartbreaking.

It's okay that he sings the songs differently than the current incarnation of Phish does. In fact, that's more than okay, that's cool. The problem was that he had NO stage presence and you couldn't hear a damn thing that he was singing. Camel Walk was sort of decent, but I could feel the energy beginning to slide away. Worst Possum I've ever seen or heard. It all seemed really forced. Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress was also pretty bad, but fared better than the previous two, believe it or not. If Phish set out to sound as unprofessional as their 1983 counterparts, they definitely succeeded.

Antelope was just... there was no energy at all going into the jam. Trey totally flubbed that entire section, and it was all of sudden like "hey, we're in the Antelope jam." Not a single cheer from the crowd for the entrance into the jam. From there, it seemed like they had forgotten to kickstart a motorcycle and were now pushing it uphill so that it would roll down the next decline of its own accord. In other words, PHISH WAS ON AUTOMATIC PILOT WITH JEFF HOLDSWORTH ON STAGE. Who woulda thunk? The end of Antelope redeemed themselves a tiny bit... Yay, Tom.

Fire was nice, but again... maybe it was just me (or all my friends or my entire section), but it did nothing. Trey wanked and wailed and they said goodnight. Ok, that's what Fire is supposed to do. Fine. But know when enough is enough. There was NOTHING even remotely interesting or exciting in this show after the first verse of Camel Walk. What a shame, in light of what came before. Thank God they didn't save Holdsworth for Boston. It was pure novelty, no substance.

Overall: Get the CDs for everything but Holdsworth. HOWEVER, I am entirely aware that I could be dead wrong about the music and that it was a personal thing. But I have a feeling it wasn't. One of the weirdest shows I've ever seen (tonight was #41, for those keeping score of my frame of reference or whatever.)

I had an amazing time. Just not towards the end. Philly is my pick for show of the run so far.



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It's odd to me that someone would witness one of the most unique moments in Phish's history, a beautiful gesture to their past and complain about it. Did anyone really expect Holdsworth to show up AT ALL?? Did anyone expect it to be transcendent playing??

Why are Phish fans so ungrateful sometimes??? [Mad]

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Sometimes Phish keeps their guests on stage too long...like B.B. King on winter tour...I love B.B. but if I'm paying $75 a ticket to see phish...plus a long drive....I want to see phish.

I know about "special" shows and all, i just think it can be a bit of a downer if you see an awesome show burn out because of a guest appearance....

I do know what you're saying though Marc-o

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