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What went down at Nero?


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Set 1

Moby's Dream >

Crabwalk >

Tonto's >


El Vezz

Travellin' Matt

Set 2

Dave acoustic

Chocolate Monkey Machine >

Auld Lang Syne >

Chic Monkey

Boys Are Back In Town*

Cat's On Crack*

Darius >


Set 3

Whispy Mountain Wonder


Johnny Joe


Downside Up



Carol Of The Bells


Running With The Devil

*With The Tummies

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Originally posted by kung:

We were there in spirit.

I definitley felt your spirit within me, kung. Particularly between 3-7am. Thanks to everyone for making New Years even better than last year. And big ups to jaybone for hosting a kickass party afterwards. Just gettin my bearings back now- wooo!

ps- there was also a breakline in the 3rd set.

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You were certainly there in spirit Kung.

I still have a lot of mucus to scrape off my brain.

I had an amazing new years. Being accosted by hari krishnas while attempting to enter the bar definatly set the tone for the night. Being handed a "best of nero 2003" CD gratis while getting my hand stamped helped as well.

Seeing that people had traveled from the East Coast, Southern Ontario and America was awesome. So was tree sets of nero that included some golden oldies like Moby's Dream, some Down Time and Tummies as well as surprise acoustic song with with a special wedding announcement.


Thank you Jaybone for hosting the after party. The Keg of beer and DJ definatly hit the spot.

Great to see everyone.

Happy New Year!

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"Who's getting hitched?"

It aint me.

Seriously, Kung. This one is going to take a bit for the Ottawa crew to sink their collective teeth into. It was that good.

You may not get to read about it. I am writing a review as we speak, but my reviews speak for themselves, if you know what I mean.

It was fucking good. It's as if Parliament came onstage.............

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Stardate 123103

nero @ Café Dekcuf, Ottawa, Ontario

After a xmas vacation that couldn't be beat, full of parties and devoid of sleep, the hallowed day of debauchery was finally upon us. Xmas always comes up quick, but NYE always seems to come quicker. Like most things in life, it takes you by surprise.

Once again this year, we decided to do NYE at home, despite several other great offers. And once again, at the greatest little bar around, the Café Dekcuf (formerly the wonderful Whipping Post). I don't know if it's the room itself, or the staff, the history of the place or the people that come to the bar, but yeah, this is he place to be this year.

After making the soundguy wait for an hour-and-a-half, I rolled in with a bagful of decorations and immediately settled in to blowing up a huge $10 "Happy New Year" balloon. Took me about 40 minutes and I managed to inflate it to about 5' in diameter. I was actually quite amazed at what my poor injured lung could do. We affixed it to the ceiling above the right side of the stage - it was big, black and beautiful, and it set the tone for the rest of my balloon-blowing and streamer hanging. The guys showed up shortly and began a nice long keep-at-it-until-it's-right soundcheck, and about two hours into the soundcheck BOOM, everybody looks around to see what piece of equipment had blown. I and the bartender were the only ones that saw my big balloon explode. I was in sleep-deprived shock; so the bartender told everyone what had actually happened. In retrospect, it woulda been cool if it had exploded during the show at some point. Ah well.

Finally, 9pm rolls around and the doors open. And through those doors flowed 120 of the greatest people you would ever know. We had friends show up from all over southern Ontario, from the east coast, from the US, and of course the raging Ottawa crew. It was like one of those dreams...we were at the Whipping Post, but it wasn't the Post, y'know? And everybody I knew was there - it was weird...So I got to say hi to and shake hands with and hug 120 people, and they were all kind enough to say hi whenever they left the bar and came back. And of course everyone through the door got a copy of nero's greatest from 2003 live mix cd, compiled by the nero guys and the Sloth, meticulously copied by the Sloth and lamely packaged by yours truly (for the record, I tried way harder than it looks - sometimes one fails miserably). Anyway, the stage was set for a legendary night of good times, and what followed backed it up.

First of all, let me say that everyone got loaded on a level that approached inspirational.

Secondly, let me say that nero put a lot of thought and practice into their set list for the night, and they did so to great result. There were old favourites that were tight and oft times reworked, there was Moby's, which Chris had never played with the band before, and which started with awesome whale sounds from Dave. Almost like a return of the favour, there was Travellin' Matt, from Chris' old band Downtime. Dave started the second set by announcing his engagement to Lara and playing a nice solo acoustic piece of his. Congratulations you two - I wish you only the best and greatest times, I hope you share a partnership of beauty and peace. It's gonna be one hell of a reception, I'll tell you that.

In the second set the guys got me up to play The Boys Are Back In Town by Thin Lizzy. Real fun for me - I've always wanted to play that tune, I just love guitar harmonies. Then we played what was likely the all-time greatest version of Pumpkin ever (Pumpkin is a tune by my band The Tummies. Go see The Tummies. You'd like The Tummies). Let me take a moment here. Thanks guys. I was so flattered that you asked me to get up and play, and you took the time to make sure it would go well, and fuck, it was just so damn fun to actually get up and play with one of my favourite bands. And to have damn near everyone I know in the audience screaming and having a good time - thanks you fuckers, nicest birthday present I've ever had.

Rest of the night was great, I started getting hammerred, they encored with Bells and a killer Runnin' With The Devil, yaddayaddayadda.

The Afterparty:

Was prodigious. At least half the bar went back to Jaybone's place to really start tying it on. There was hard liquor and kegs and beers and stuff and a dj and a kitchen and a lot of portals that stole both time and faculties. Things I don't remember... Left there at daytime and finally caught a few hours sleep starting around 4pm. Here it is January 3rd, and I've finally gotten the sleep I've needed since before the xmas run (13 hours last night) and I'm still wearing the same shirt I sweated all over on NYE.

My gawd, sometimes I like rock and roll.

Quote of the Day: "Those covers are ass!"


Moby's Dream*>


Tonto's Underwater Paradise>


El Vezz

Travellin' Matt


Dave solo acoustic number

Chocolate Monkey Machine>

Auld Lang Syne>

Chocolate Monkey Machine

Boys Are Back In Town**





Whispy Mountain Wonder


Johnny Joe


Downside Up





Runnin' With The Devil

* first time played with Chris

** with The Tummies

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Hey nero boys- - can't wait to hear that breakline- we're actually extoling the praises of nero after the 30th Phish show on the way back to the hotel- the couple we were escorting asked if we had any nero!- cool huh-

happy new year all!

and boys- we gots a present for you- but you have to come have a Guelph date to get it- and you have to promise to do shots with us!

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Yes absolutely fanfrickingtastic.

VermontDave, good to meetya and it was a cold wet honour to have your beer spilled on me. Best line i've heard: "In Vermont they just call me Dave." hehehehe

Anyways, what a stellar show, some excellent surprises all round

Kudos to Todd and the boys for putting on a stellar show, much thanks to Ms. Hux for the wicked accomodations, and to the whole Ottawa crew and beyond-you guys rock.

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Offically back from the Ottawa/Gatineau tour and visions of Nero's Eve still dancing in my head. Once again, the Ottawa gang made us feel completely at our second home. Someone mentioned great community, and if there's one thing that tops the music it's that.

I'm lovin the Crabwalk and Breakline! Can't get enough of the 2003 sampler. Thanks to Nero for not only being great musicians but great guys. Thanks to Jaybone for putting the hospital in hospitality. And of course to all the skanks that I don't see often enough. I feel like I didn't get a chance to chat enough but making it a priority for 2004.

Big Scottie hugs all around.

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