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cling ons


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i need to tell a guy to go away, video games would make the situation worse i think. i feel so shallow with this thread, i just read the ottawa tragedy one after i posted this one. i think that a fund raiser show with three or four bands and a two dollar cover charge would be good. no one has to play all night and even people that are pretty broke can afford two bucks. i do not know the people from ottawa, but i am sure they are nice and could use a hand.

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Yea, a FUND raiser. A good music, show a couple raffles, a Limit Hold'em Poker tournement [Cool] you know, good times, good fun, and good intent.......................... Dude, im sure your roommate ordeal will figure itself on its own. Juss be nice, cuz i wish I still had friends who alwase hung around. good friends you know? Anyways......

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Take a vacation. Step out for awhile. There's a rainbow Gathering happening very soon in Florida. It's alwasys easier to break away after an absence.

Then change your phone number.

...traditionally, a phazer set to disintigrate is a fine way to get rid of cling ons.

They're animals!

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Originally posted by TonyRage:

Gotta go with the honesty....

Orignally I thought you were talking about a cling on down below....like when you have a real sticky dump and you just can't seem to reach that last little bit that is clinging on.

Thank you for that. Wonderful.


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clingons wouldn't run from a fight,, there all about honour and death and war,, if the vulcans showd up they would just fight them all,, come on, don't you guys watch any tv.

if your trying to get rid of a guy, you could alwsays breaking his heart to little peices, that seemed to work with me or you could try kicking him in the nuts

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"what is the best way to tell a cling on to go away?"

for me...what usually works is a terse: "Booche, listen slugger, you don't HAVE to be at my place to listen to my Ratdog shows....you CAN borrow them and take them home you know lil' buddy? that cool champ??"

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