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Who likes Jambands?


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Entertainment Tonight, like that analogy.. You see for me, at the SCI shows I have attended, I did not run into any of the escapes that yourself and Tooly encountered, (If I did, I might actually share some of the distaste) at their shows, my mind has been taken to places it had previously never been. and that =inspiration. I thus, take them pretty seriously, but, in all honesty, I don't care that any of you don't like the band, but, you are all more than welcome to join myself and my friends if you ever feel like giving them another chance!

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Kung, I'm just wondering this, most people on this board know about your hateful passion for SCI, but why must you keep reminding us, I'm more interested in the music you do like, it may spark an interest in myself as well as others, as for what you dont like, I really dont care, and I may be wrong but I'm sure many others dont care what music people dont like.

Maybe we should have a separate forum for Music Kung doesn't like....


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I think it's because they are emblematic of everything outsiders hate about our culture. They are the stereotypical embodiment of the post post Aquarian lost generation. Plus it's plainly evident to anyone with ears that hasn't been brainwashed that they are brutal. I find it compelling that they are rightly hated by legitimate music lovers and yet so deeply loved by their fans.

If you want to listen to one good band or an album that has come out in the last year, that draws from older sounds but is doing their own thing, listen to My Morning Jacket - It Still Moves. Everything about this band is praiseworthy, they are building on the southern rock psychedelia tradition in a really important way. Their way off in the distance sunny harmonies, patches of horns and distortion are superlative. Plus the album is a masterwork start to finish.

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Hey kung, I personally don't care much one way or another what you think of SCI or any other band in particular, to each his own as I more-or-less said earlier in this thread, but I had to take some issue with this:


- They only embrace the lighter fluffier sides of existence and wholly ignore the darker aspects of life. I think this is really a dangerous approach as they can afford this breaziness whereas their audience cannot. I find it irresponsible to be honest.

Isn't this a bit much? By this are you discounting any artist who doesn't attempt to embrace the totality of the human experience in their artistic expression? Life's happy, life's sad, life's lots of things, and any artist is just attempting to reflect an extremely small part of that, and it's up to them what they're gonna focus the lens on. It's like saying a photographer who only takes the world's most gorgeous pictures of cute fluffy kittens and nothing isn't really an artist 'cus they're not focusing on the darker aspects of life. Okay, well this is a simplistic example, but you see what I mean right?

I think (hope!) that there isn't anyone out there trying to build a coherent world-view based solely on their experiences listening to String Cheese Incident, so don't you think it's extreme to call them "irresponsible"?

- M.

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-brainwashed, or a true appreciator of music??

-I like brainwashed!!! because, all of the music that I like to listen to, puts a smile on my face and it inspires me to write, and do good things for other people... so I am ok with that!! and there are alot of bands that are in on the conspiracy... anyways, I'll be back--got to go coach hockey!!! --and listen to "This must be the Place"

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Now this is getting good. What makes you brainwashed and me legit, that's the hardest one to answer isn't it. Part of it is that I listen to and read about alot of brand new music. So many of my impressions can be confirmed by the impressions of other music lovers and critics. Not even the most diehard Cheese fans bother defending their new release Untying The Not whereas many would agree that albums such as It Still Moves are important works that will be remembered for years to come. I guess that's where I get alot of my confidence on the topic. An artists recorded output is a good gauge of their lasting merit and the Cheese hasn't put out anything of substance. That's really what we're talking about substance and merit over time. What will be remembered and what will be forgotten. The Cheese is more of a lifestyle choice than an important lasting artist.

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I'm still not clear on your brainwashed statement?

I also listen to and read about alot of brand new music.

I don't listen to much of SCI's studio discs, I'm not a big fan of them, I do however enjoy and appreciate what they do live.

Almost every band has studio discs their fans dislike, your reference to SCI's studio efforts are yet another bash to a band that I know you dont like. Why not spread the joy of music, instead of complain about your dislikes?

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Originally posted by kung:

Not even the most diehard Cheese fans bother defending their new release Untying The Not whereas many would agree that albums such as It Still Moves are important works that will be remembered for years to come.

I haven't listened to the new Cheese and I probably won't.

I agree that It Still Moves is an important album: It's a little uneven however, but close to perfection nonetheless. The interesting thing is, It Still Moves is considered to be inferior to any of their earlier releases. I must own those albums, if only I could find them.

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In order to distinguish quality from non-quality (if such a thing exists) there has to be something to index against. I feel the need to vociferously 'bash' SCI because so many feel the need to vociferously support them. There is an overarching and somewhat problematic trend in our scene to only praise bands or say nothing. This trend does not exist in any other music culture that I am aware of. I do not believe in this notion and will not keep quiet in place of a dialogue or dialectic.

I think it comes down to the fact that I like listening to serious and often deadly serious music. This music could still have joy to it but it is joy with poisin interlaced with the meat (a song like the Flaming Lips A Spoonful Weighs a Ton comes to mind - a beautiful song about sticking a needle in your arm). You are right that everyone is entitled to their taste in music (if you can call listening to the Cheese having taste). For me I have lost enough time in my life I cannot afford to lose anymore to the pipe dreams of a low grade hippy carnival.

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Guys, I have to tell you, the throwing around of this word "important" to describe bands and albums the majority of people, indeed the majority of music fans have never heard of strikes me as a bit much. Are You Experienced?, Sgt. Pepper's, Joshua Tree, OK Computer, arguably perhaps Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots are IMPORTANT records - they are great artistic achievements, they've archived a level of general recognition in the population and general respect among both casual and hardcore music fans, they've had or likely will have an influence on other musicians in their genre who came after, and lastly they've all achieved a significant amount of commercial success. I suppose time will tell, but I have a hard time believing It Still Moves by My Morning Jacket will be considered important by that standard. At best I'm thinking history will see it as a cult masterpiece.

- M.

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It Still Moves is too uneven to be a masterpiece, but it's an important 2003 album, much the same as The White Stripes' Elephant was in 2003 ( although I think it's a latter day masterpiece ). Time will tell where albums and artists place amongst music royalty, but the most important thing is that you haven't heard the best from MMJ.

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Okay I see what you're saying Jaimoe. I guess it's semantics but personally I'd use "important" to describe those kind of records that I mentioned, not to describe one of the 10 best records of a given year or whatever.

"Important", to me anyway, implies something that has a broader and more lasting influence. But perhaps that's just my problem, I'll suck it up, no worries. [Wink]

- M.

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There is an overarching and somewhat problematic trend in our scene to only praise bands or say nothing. This trend does not exist in any other music culture that I am aware of.

My feeling is that this is jambands.ca, a place for "fans" of jambands, i fail to see your reasoning behind the need to try and exploit the bands you don't like, and yes, you do seem to be one of the only ones here expressing a critical point of view, but why, why do you think this is necessary in this scene, whats wrong with the scene? Why do you find the need to point out your dislikes? I don't see anyone on the ween forum stating how much they dislike ween, why, its a fan site, just like the jambands fan site we are on.

I'm sorry I just don't see the point of you bitching on this site about SCI when there are clearly a number of SCI fans here, again I don't really want to hear your negativity, but I guess I could leave, but as the famous music industry saying goes, to each there own.


*slow day at work, hence the attemps to understand Kungs need to display hate.


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Yeah as if I'm not having a slow day at work, I feel like I'm taking on all comers in a fight club. You have basically described the prevailing opinion to a tee. As to the reason no one criticizes or feels the need to criticize Ween is there is no reason. No that's maybe a bit much, if you aren't into twisted humour, depravity, sodomy, useless drug taking and insane larks their probably not for you. Just as if you're not into patchwork, patchouli, sodomy and phatty grill cheeses with the garlic salt the Cheese aren't for you. Anyways maybe this needs to be explained to you but I will pretty much stand here and take the blows until I'm spitting out teeth. I think you'll find that people tend to appreciate that antagonistic and dogged enthusiasm of mine. Part of turning people on to new music is trying to get them to stretch past the ruts they are in, the Cheese is a rut to me and I'm trying to pave over it with a fucking steamroller.

(On the It Still Moves score I agree it's an important album of 2003, maybe history will view it as a cult masterpiece maybe not, it will be remembered though. The difference between that and OK Computer I would argue is largely marketing muscle though)

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Originally posted by kung:

(On the It Still Moves score I agree it's an important album of 2003, maybe history will view it as a cult masterpiece maybe not, it will be remembered though. The difference between that and OK Computer I would argue is largely marketing muscle though)

Marketing yes, and also music trend.

Rootsy, southern rock has not made a " comeback "... yet, even though certain throwback rock styles are part of the current mainstream music map.

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Actually, I should qualify that: there *is* critical pov around here, no doubt. But the idea that the moniker "jambands.ca" should prevent people for complaining about bands they find lamentable doesn't fly with me.

Really, what's wrong with debating a (jam)band and the relevance and quality of their music? Is the very idea of the debate offensive? Or is it the content of the debate?

There's a distinction.

However, it is tiring to see SCI so universally accepted as the whipping boysof the jamband scene. I'd prefer to see that go to the Disco Biscuits, degenerate scumbag crackhead perverts who really deserve to be launched into deep, cold space, never to return. And kung's responses have been hysterical.

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Heh, maybe you could send cheese and the biscos out to space and I could drive the ship, and guess what... oh, just a sec, it's my special line... what?? oh ok, there is plenty of room on board for cheese and bisco heads, and those who want to jump on the bandwagon... Kung, you know what they say, "you only pick on the ones you really love." -hehe...

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