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Mondays - always quiet...!! PIPE UP!! (QOTD)


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It's amazing how quiet monday is in here, Tuesdays - everybody perks right up!! Wonder why?? guess it's just the Monday blahs...

QOTD: What's exciting in your life at this moment??

...I'm finally getting a computer at home this week, so I'm kinda pumped about that. [smile]

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That's the best thing about reflexology you can take it anywhere!!!!

Show up at Frontier Town this summer and I'd be happy to give you a session.

What is Reflexology: It is a natural healing ART based on the principle that there are reflexes in the hands and feet which correspond to every part, gland and organ of the body. Through application of pressure on these reflexes, reflexology relieves tension, improves circulation and helps promote the natural function of the related areas of the body.

Sweet eh? [smile]

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today my day is consumed with considering having gold beads surgically implanted in my great dane. she has weekly accupuncture to manage her pain.......and now it looks like we're moving on to the gold..........has anyone had any experience with this procedure in humans or dogs? it's basically implanting gold beads at the accupuncture pressure points to keep them stimulated for consistent accupunture-like results.........

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Hux, my life is all about the excitement! I just finished watching the 1st season of Six Feet Under on DVD. I highly recommend it and would love to know if anyone has season two on tape.

Tonight I think I'm bottling my first batch of wine.

Last Wednesday was my first time in a studio...that's right, Dr. Hux has a CD on the way!

Getting ready to do seamless sets with Ferriswheeler on Jamband Thursday at Cafe Dekcuf this week.

Oh and I may do a load of laundry tonight. Fruck yeah!!!![big Grin]

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It's going great!

We recorded drum tracks in the studio for 8 originals, and now we begin overdubbing!!

The process will take a while, but it should be fun, and at last - we will be able to share proper versions of some of our original songs with the world!!!

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