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anybody here do CAD work?

Tungsten Gruvsten

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what r u up to?

if you end up stuck let me know. i got a department full of mech eng.'s that'll help.

i think we can bring the solidworks files right into ProE. might need a step or iges file.

need geometric dimensioning and tolerancing? having it lazer cut? just curious.

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cripes who woulda thunk it! Ok i gotta regroup here....A fellow and I in KW are putting together studio equipment-top shelf shit. SSL compressors, Neve pre's, Class-A eq's, etc....this guy is an electronics genius too if you ever need tube amp or vintage gear worked on...

So we were gonna hire a company(www.protocase.com) to do the metalwork for us...they would punch all holes in the chassis and silkscreen the face for about $200 cdn per 1U case...we just provide solidworks/cad drawings....if someone can beat that price or offers the same service locally i'm all over it. So far we've been buying used cases for the prototypes and having the front and back panels punched/rolled locally and i've done all the holes myself....

Now since I see a couple band members in the mix...what about trading end product/recording time/related shit for services?? not a prob if not, but definitely the best method for me.

and SK - that's not as funny as you wish it was [Frown]

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Yup. He's the electronics specialist and has worked on 122's, 147's and all associated tube amps and power supplies. I know he's gone through a few rhodes, clavs, basically specializes in non-digital musical electronics.

I also have restored a couple 122's, and owned and restored a CV enough to know the workings of these beasts. email me tungstengruvsten at hotmail.com...

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Just an addendum - i'll get around to posting an email for this guy someday but he knows tube gear in and out - he's restored tons of old amps, nationals, fenders, vox, boutique stuff, he does blackfacing, circuit design etc etc etc...I wouldn't hesitate to send him anything I wanted fixed or conditioned professionally and properly.

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