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Kung, #2, Esau... scaring away the left-coast


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Funny thing is my real name has never been a secret here or on jamhub or Terrapin etc etc.

Its obvious it is someone who is into the scene,too much info posted (now deleted) that only someone who was there over a year ago would have known.Which is fine unlike "the coward"..err I mean "the critic" I have nothing to hide.

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Don't want to get caught in the crossfire, but can't stand the Esau bashing. It's difficult to judge people by their "online personnas" because we can all be a little more critical of things when we aren't having a face to face conversation but rather just posting our comments in hopes that someone will reply. Once you hit the "add reply" button you are putting your comments up for EVERYONE to see, not just the intended target (or in some cases, hoping they WON'T see it). Everyone has an opinion, and this board allows you to exercise your right to that opinion. Because someone dislikes the band that you like or is the "hippie" or the "clean-cut newbie" (I like to think of myself as a "clean-cut hippie", some will disagree) it really doesn't matter, you read this board for the "shits and giggles" not for the people slammin'. Keither, I'm sure you are a good dude (and anytime the uni-bonger wants to leave something in my mailbox, fine with me) but don't get turned off by someone's comments on this board, just get out your collander and sift throught the shit to find something you like as there are plenty of good, funny, and sometimes (when the influences kick in) witty things to be found here. Oh yeah, and always take the time to re-read your post before adding it. Sometimes, what you are trying to say in print doesn't come out the way you THOUGHT it was going to.


The first time I posted to this board, I spent an hour or two writing an account of DD's first trip to Ottawa. It was long and I had to go back and change things and re-read and really struggled over whether I should even post or not and thought way too much about it. Anyways I finally posted my "saga" of our shenanigans and was really proud of it. I checked back every five minutes all night... no replies. Before going to work in the morning I checked back in and was delighted to see that 2 people had replied. The first reply was from somebody called "frumpy one" and it said (in capitals) "YOU ARE A BIG FUCKING LOSER", wow talk about a buzz stomper. The second one was from my good friend DieselDoug who replied "You can say that again and again" . Doug's reply I didn't mind (mainly because if anyone know that I am a loser, it's him) but the first one really got me, I took it personally and felt like I would never post again. After I got home from work 28 other people had posted thanking me for giving my account of the band's happenings. It reinforced the fact that I had contributed my part and people appreciated my efforts. I COULD NOT let the feelings of one person (who is was anonymously posting shit) affect the way I express myself on this board.

And so the posts keep comin'

Thanks for letting me get my $20.02 in...

And by the way Greg, seeing as this post is all about you, make sure you post the setlists (if you can remeber them) from the three Dylan shows. I won't be able to make it to any of them but I will be thinking of you from the steel shop while it's going on.

I hope he plays:

Give what I got until I got no more

I take what I get until I even the score

You know I love you and furthermore

When it's time to go you got an open door

I can tell you fancy, I can tell you plain

You give something up for everything you gain

Since every pleasure's got an edge of pain

Pay for your ticket and don't complain


Silvio, silver and gold

Won't buy back the beat of a heart grown cold

Silvio, I gotta go

Find out something only dead men know

One of these days and it won't be long

Going down in the valley and sing my song

I will sing it loud and sing it strong

Let the echo decide if I was right or wrong

Keep the faith, brother!


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Well this is as good a reason as any to come out of 'self-imposed exile'. So what the fuck are you on about? I'm not that fond of quoting back what people have said but what exactly did 'Spud', 'Derek' and 'Uni-Bonger' contribute to this board before they were scared off? I just honestly can't remember seeing anything from the first two and that last guy is just a dumbass with a grade 3 style humour that is more played than Jerry (Seinfeld) saying 'Hellllllllloooooo'. So played. I have to recall what else irked me so about this, the fact that people who 'lurk' have been scared away is pretty fucking dumb to. I get the sense also your a decent shit so don't get me wrong but how is someone entitled to more anonymity than someone 'hiding' behind an avatar. At least the personas we can get to know and trust, there's no accounting for the folks in the shadows. I'm not going to get into the whole dilemma of largely masturbatory and congratulatory chatter for the moment. I'm sure we'll here some fart noises and shits and giggles from the Bonger soon enough (set your watch) so that should pretty much play itself out imminently.

I think what it comes down for me is that if you're vocal you're putting a big target on your chest. If you're somebody that's visible at events that target gets a bit bigger. It goes without staying that if you get up on a stage you've got a big old target going. Same with promoters. I don't know if there's any reasonable conclusion to make here. I think it's pretty much wook hunting season. The problem for me is that being visible I get people gossiping about me and they get good material on me being a nutter or what have you. These pussies like Deke and the Bonger I just can't get good enough intelligence on these fucks. More Intense Surveillance.

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Well it appears that "the Critic" has made a few key errors in HIS posts (before the deletions).

First,I have nothing to hide,so posting my name is futile,I have posted it countless times,also other people have.Just type Greg Risko in the search engine.

A couple very key things have been posted and now deleted,my assumptions seem to be correct about it being another member hiding behind a new alias.One thing in particulair occured with only myself and one other person awake at the time at an afterparty in Toronto after the Jerry Garcia tribute with Caution Jam.The other is your alias.

Nice try though,hope ya got your email.No threats made & no words used in the content..only a subject title...somthing unique to that morning and this thread.

There was some incriminating things mentioned on the www here,so in my eyes that is equal to ratting me out.Agian nothing to hide,but common sense dictates that I refrain from saying certian things I participate in.

Feel free to prove me wrong or you could be a stand up person and just come clean with your thoughts under your real name on this board,somthing I may not like to hear but at least I would respect your honesty.

Either way we'll cross paths and we'll talk about certian things that were said,that had nothing to do with your original intent for posting about my negative attitude or forceful opinions.

Have a great day. [big Grin]

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Originally posted by secondtube:

its all about the ip people...

True,but I did not request any information (nor would I have) on the IP address of The Critic.

He just made a couple errors in what he decided to say.I had no clue at first,but "brektasy" and "consume copious amounts of narcotics" sorta gave me an idea,then I was able to find out a little piece of info on the alais.

It would be nice if I was going to be outted on some of my offline activities that the person at least use their own jamband alias.Especially since it was someone I thought was a friend.

I do not disagree with some of the things said,I am negative (alot),I am outspoken & opinionated,so the other issues really were uncalled for and generally not very stand up behind a alais made soley to provoke or to attempt to shame.

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heehee [smile]

I think the key to all is to not take ourselves so seriously..

we're here because we love music.

and to contridict myself - a serious note [Wink]

for those lurkers who know no better, esau rocks - you would not meet a kinder, more knowledgable and involved individual in these parts... he does much for the scene.

ps- i'm a lurker, i'm only speaking out because i need enough posts to get the avatar i want... and because i like esau.

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Originally posted by juan escondito:

Hey - i don't see what the deal is here. These "left coast" folks only pop up once in a while to say what a meanie Esau is or what a "fucknut" Kung is....So who cares?

EXACTLY!!! I know both Kung and Esau and both are GREAT people. Couldn't think of a greater pair of dudes. I don't know what is with people on here these days complaining about others opinions. Get over it, nobody is forcing anyone to read this stuff so just DON'T READ IT if you're that offended by it. I'm not on here taking shots at anyone on a personal level, yet I'm getting a lot of private messages from Cavern fans telling me what a moron I am and how I know NOTHING about music. Perhaps I should put them up here but why bother? People who know me, KNOW ME. Same goes for Kung and Esau.

Good to have you back Kung

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Man, wtf happened while I was sleeping and working? Regardless of The Critic's or anyone's opinions, everything is subjective. Something one person is offended by, could be very informative, insightful or humorous to someone else depending on the reader's perspective.

Either way, Esau don't change a bit, you're perfect the way you are [Wink]

And Kung, fabulous to have you back (and more fun now that I know who you are) [Cool]

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