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Everything posted by bouche

  1. oh wait... it's the internet. Cool.
  2. oh. It's probably a good idea to precede these topics with "FROM PT - idiot content inside" rather than what Dima just posted.
  3. is Low Roller .... Thom Yorke ?
  4. i kinda figured other people might have listened. I can't be the only one to chime in.
  5. yes, you don't need to rent your pron anymore.
  6. Beauty. The site is working now. This is a pretty nice track. I'm a sucker for horns and rhodes so .... HOOKED! Sweet vocals too. nice job!
  7. SMOKING PUPPIES Blacklung, Ky. — Faced with dying customers, restrictive laws, and lawsuits from smokers who get sick from using their product, cigarette companies have been on a desperate search for a new customer base. Now they believe they’ve found it. “We’re targeting pets,” said Nicole Graham, a spokeswoman for Smoking Gun, an alliance of cigarette companies. “The days of the dog fetching your pipe and slippers is over!” “This is an exciting new market, with no downside,” said Graham. “Animals like cigarettes. We used to give them to monkeys when we were testing nicotine addiction and we couldn’t keep the little fellas away from the stuff.” Graham listed some other advantages of getting cats and dogs to smoke: • Pets don’t care whether or not cigarettes are bad for them. •Smokers are tired of being ostracized by the nonsmoking community. They would love to have someone nonjudgmental to kick back and share a smoke with. •Pets don’t exhibit the deleterious effects of smoking. Their natural dog/cat breath covers “smoker’s breath” and owners can’t really tell if they’re winded or simply panting. •Pets don’t go through the annoying agony of trying to quit. •Pets have a shorter life span, so they will probably die from something other than cancer. •Pets can’t sue. •Unlike humans, cats and dogs have large litters. These little fur balls will be born with a nicotine addiction, like cats and catnip. •No one will tell a pit bull to put out his cigarette. •Teaching a dog or cat to smoke will create a bond between pet and owner. “The advertising will make a healthy psychological appeal to the suppressed predatory nature of pets,” Graham said. “Our first launches will be Sparrow and Newsboy. Manlier pets will be wooed with Marlburro. And, of course, there’s our still-secret scented cigarette Butt — but I don’t want to say too much about that yet.”
  8. I remember that exact same stat too from college. I forget the name of the class in Environmental/Civil Engineering, but it was very interesting. Anyway, I thought since the internet had more info since 1995, that I might find some updated stats. Read the QA on it in that section. It is very interesting.
  9. Tommy was on Jimmy Kimmel recently. He's one fucked up crazy dude. Apparantly he's got a new show about saving the planet and going green and shit. It's all about the "Little things" that people can do like going SOLAR. I don't think that's a little thing. So Jimmy quotes an interview with Tommy who said that he tours around with his Jagermeister machine. He asked Tommy if it was solar. hahaha. priceless.
  10. this just in: Booche willing to cancel plans with a friend over a webcast that will be downloadable the next day.
  11. oh yeah? what else have you heard?
  12. Wow, this will suck for Motley Crue fans. Cruefest is tonight at the Molson Amp.
  13. The M9 Cascadia Megathrust Earthquake of January 26, 1700 "every 500 years" is an average.
  14. I've never found it that funny, although there is a scene in Up In Smoke related to this that is pretty funny.
  15. here's the record version. They'll probably do this on stage.
  16. Keep them rumours flowing. Rumours with absolutely no facts or trackable evidence are the best.
  17. yep, that weekend is full of good stuff for Ottawa, and I'll be in Toronto for the SWELL SEASON (nothign to complain about there!) there's at least one tune that I remember from them THE WATCHMEN - Any Day Now
  18. anyone have a link that wouldn't be blocked at my workplace?
  19. I may get a ticket or two for this show after all since some may just come up.
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