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Everything posted by bouche

  1. this is the kind of video that I want to see on youtube!
  2. http://www.foodeeze.com/2008/08/bryson-farms-organic-veggie-delivery.html
  3. fuck. that sounds like an amazing music explosion. did you forget your camera?
  4. i wish that you had video. looks like she was sporting the cougar moves from the eighties. I love this quote:
  5. Here's another one poached from Anne's facebook gallery.
  6. That would be this photo that I just poached off of facebook.
  7. bouche

    Gas Range

    are those from the space shuttle? those look like they're engineered by NASA .
  8. It's almost like getting on stage with the band is the cool thing to do. haha. fuckin' gold.
  9. bouche


    this death sounds royally fishy As if there are no questions revolving around such a rare death.
  10. post pics or it didn't happen
  11. I would get it at the show in Ottawa if I would be able to be there. damn damn damn.
  12. I have no problems with Vista. Who's your provider? Are they throttling you?
  13. holy shit. i didn't know you were going to that!
  14. I didn't realize that Bazil Donovan was from Blue Rodeo. wow. ok, I really feel shitty for missing that. I was in high school with Jay, and we used to jam acoustics alot. He had a great voice back then and it's only gotten better. He let me know that they were coming to town, and it just happens to be the same weekend as Swell Season in Toronto.
  15. I remember the last movie night. I went there thinking I was going to see Northern Wish but he stood me up. Don't forget that Batman has the FUNKIEST soundtrack!
  16. Has anyone here seen Jay Harris and the Tranceivers? They're playing at Irene's Pub on the 19th of september. I won't be in town, but I would have like to go see them. http://jayharris.ca/ Some good tunes streaming on the site.
  17. why do people TYPE out mental notes?
  18. try again. i had no problem.
  19. I placed an order which is confirmed for saturday. Here are this weeks basket contents: I've never heard of an Heirloom tomato before, but they are big with Bryson Farms. I'm going to be learning alot about these come saturday. Heirloom Tomato on Wikipedia More on Heirloom Tomatoes
  20. I can't think of the last time I had a deli meat. Our local butcher makes their own roast beef and pork which I hope to try very soon. MMMMM!
  21. had 'em again the other night. grilled farm fresh corn, brined chops and grilled local farmer mini red potatoes. i love the charcoal bbq. I don't think I'll ever get a gas grill again.
  22. email mcdonald's and tell them their banner sux. i don't know what a skank can do about it.
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