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Everything posted by bouche

  1. The onion should pick this up as "Deadhead Murdered by Hunters"
  2. Other Ocean Interactive from P.E.I. is responsible for the wildly successful Super Monkey Ball for the iPhone. Those guys are raking in some major cash right now.
  3. hahah! turducken that's so funny. I've never wanted to do that, but I'd love to see it done.
  4. I learned how to know what way to tighten and loosen things from a movie. "Lefty loosie, righty tighty"
  5. this hoax is getting tons of coverage like that shamwow guy.
  6. Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!
  7. haha. they killed the Deluxe Sasquatch Costume.
  8. From the Smoking Gun. Dude gets caught with his pants down with quote of the year. "You caught me Alan. I tried to fuck your sheep". hahahahah!
  9. the reporter had to turn SOMETHING in. he probably has kids to feed and an addiction to strip joints.
  10. IKEA furniture named after YOU
  11. haven't we coached you before? stay away from smokers...even your friends. get drunk one or two nights with NON smokers. there won't be any smokes handy for you to even bum. get through 3 days (done) be proud. get through a week. be proud. then get through another week....then a month. by this time you should never have to smoke again. if you do, you'll become a smoker again and have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN.
  12. I read about her today and stared at her photo and I couldn't imagine how or why someone like that had to experience that situation and end up passing. That is so very sad. I didn't even imagine that anyone that I know had any ties with her.
  13. Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!
  14. I think Julia is just blaming the dog.
  15. Was that video a joke? I don't watch this roast stuff but I thought the video was kinda funny' date=' especially if it was real... They should have given him the eggs... [/quote'] Bob Saget is a card. That was clearly a joke. You must have missed your coffee if that went over your head Jeff Ross had a gag: "Jeff Garland plays Artie Lange in a new biopic about Artie's life. I don't want to spoil it, but he dies in the middle" I can't wait to see this. I think it airs on sunday in the states. Hopefully soon here too.
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  17. Shouldn't that thing be called DiaperWow? I think that'd be great to wear in your pants at a show.
  18. Has anyone here visited the R&R Hall of Fame? (I bet TimmyB has). A friend from work just came back from a vacation/road trip and said that it was really incredible. He suggested watching the House of Blues site for any shows you'd want to see in Cleveland and plan a trip around that to include a day or 2 at the museum. Sounds like a plan.
  19. Bob Sagat was on stern yesterday. Artie was discussing some of the jokes that he would have pulled out if he made the roast. "Heath Ledger and I had lots in common. For one, we had the same heroin dealer. Mary-Kate". haha. Bob was saying that he and Stamos were bummed at the roast because they didn't really know if Artie was alive or dead. No one would tell them why he couldn't be there.
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