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Everything posted by bouche

  1. I suspected that was the purpose. We mini pork steam buns from Yeng Fung Ding dumpling house and those have a juicy little burst which is probably from some chicken Jello as well. If you want some yummy dumplings, go to the dumpling house. It's pretty close to the Shanghai.
  2. It couldn't be any easier. well, it could be. If I had the time to create a form template for posting, that would make it easier.
  3. In case you can't find some old album, I found a blog that posts out-of-print albums for download. check it out
  4. bouche

    Indoor Grill Recipes?

    try this Korean grill recipe
  5. mmmmmmmmm! that was really good raw food.
  6. Erik Mongrain on Google video.
  7. I'm so close to becoming Borat, it's scary. All I need is a afroish wig and a cheesy light suit
  8. I love the scale of this image. [color:orange]You can see how big the moustache is beside the Breezer.
  9. My apologies. I didn't mean to suggest that you'd get screwed by the deciders for going out for a smoke, and I know anyone that went outside for any reason after that point got screwed.. I was just somehow referencing a thread from a couple of weeks ago. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/234806/post/376079/hl/quit+smoking/ All I can say is that my Donair meat was definately preformed and frozen at one point.
  10. after having the dumplings, I have no idea what the chicken jello's role was. The dumplings were definitely very tasty, so I just wonder if the stock played the role of flavour enhancer. Hey Chefs! Please toss out a theory.
  11. Dave...follow those instructions to have an even greater time! Hemmings will make you piss your pants.
  12. (for the lazy, long story short: we made chicken jello) What a coincidence. We're making pork and prawn wontons and the method that we're following required us to get some gelatin. I boiled 3/4 cup of our homemade chicken stock and added 1.5 teaspoons of gelatin powder to it to dissolve. I then let it cool in a small loaf pan and cut out little cubes. Once set, the cubes were placed inside the prawn/pork mince balls before sealing inside the wonton wrapper.
  13. I'm having a quick sample and SCI-keller is really boogeying!
  14. sorry to bring this up....but THERE'S ANOTHER REASON TO QUIT SMOKING
  15. The Bytowne definately needs to get some shit thrown at them for that mess. I think Hooly's should also to get some shit as well (also for their attempt to fool us with an east coast donair that was made with frozen preformed donair meat). I heard that Hooly's was packed and affected the quota for the basement. At this lockout point, the basement really didn't have more than about 50 people in a room suited for 200. pure bullshit on their part.
  16. I got to use my Nikon remote for the camera for this shot.
  17. You may have noticed a cake beside Ms.Hux's name today. That means it's her 30th BIRTHDAY! WOOOHOOOOO! Sharon, I can't 'wish' you a Happy Birthday, I can only do what I can to make it a Happy Birthday. It doesn't end on the 30th either. You get to be happy all year long.
  18. grrrrr. talk about a real burn. That will be some amazing shit!
  19. how much of that saint john show followed the cd layout? I noticed that at least the first 4-ish songs took that route.
  20. Post your halloween costume shots! I'll get the ball rolling with this quicky. I'll a better one later.
  21. it is an extra on the Nightmare Before Christmas dvd. you should be able to get that movie on DVD somewhere. there's also a great documentary on the making the film. there is an incredible amount of detail given concerning their stop motion animation processes and it's VERY interesting.
  22. oh yeah, it definately sucks ass, and is a load of shit. I was just referring to the act of mashing up the beatles, or any purchased music. I think it's fine to play around with the music, and let people listen to what you've done (shitty or good), but to have a link to purchase it boils my balls! who's got the time to waste on that? I imagine some college student learning how to mix up samples decided that this would be a project, but also came to the sad conclusion that he/she could make money off of this horrid affair.
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