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Everything posted by bouche

  1. Holy Christ! Get that up on YouTube!
  2. that's the kind of video that's goign to make Google sorry that they ever bought YouTube.
  3. What about the lows? Didn't Pablo get all facked up at Evolve and climbed up some cage? I wasn't there, but it's always a great story to hear. I must say, the first time I heard the Punk was joining the band was pretty exciting.
  4. I went for a greasy brunch that consisted of a cheeseburger, and poutine that I requested to be made with their breakfast homefries instead of french fries. MY GOD was that ever good! Then, I had a sore stomache for a couple of hours and played guitar hero with Sharon. Then as Dinghy proclaimed, 3 or 4 toots...not too exciting.
  5. isn't it GA? no rush on tix. I doubt it'll sell out while Claude is going on about nothing. what a waste of fucking time those meetings are. I'm going to complain to the manager.
  6. Frenchy's keyboard was on the fritz. Hux and I got talking about possible solutions, and SugarMegs was DD for the night so on set break the three of us headed to my house in Hull to grab the Rhodes from our jamroom (thx Shane). We were back with a Rhodes in about 20 minutes. It was set up in no time. Here's the only picture taken from my broken camera lens that has any resemblence of being near in-focus.
  7. tickets number 1 and 2 are on our refrigerator! yeah!
  8. It was great to run into the travellers. I finally found out who Edger is! Marco looks nothing like his avatar, and neither does Bradm
  9. no shit eh? I hope you don't expect to talk because I'm going to play nintendo DS the entire way there btw, I sent off an email to MMJ with a sample of photos I've taken and a link to your Gov't Mule/Allman's review in hopes that we could get some access to cover the event.
  10. crazy! FreakbyNight and myself are getting tix for that show I believe.
  11. doesn't anyone want to buy an apple wireless mouse?
  12. my favourite low-light lens was officially deemed broken last night. I tried to use it but it cannot even focus properly. Thanks Brad for grabbing the sound. I wish I could have coloured it with a couple of images. Good times happening with the Fat Cats.
  13. what in the fuck are you typing about?
  14. sorry to hijack the thread (i hate when people do that), but I just have to say that this mighty mouse is changing my usage on the mac. I can use it like I use my pc now! right clicking for menus, opening links in new tabs/windows, and that FRIKKEN SCROLL BUTTON! wow! This mouse is a must own for any windows user on a mac.
  15. if you go to computer management, does it show multiple partitions for Disk 0?
  16. they are nice indeed. the pro's make me drool. wow how geeky is that anyway? my wireless mouse kicked the bucket today with only 13 days to spare in my 1 year warranty. So, I'm going to get it fixed but it's now up for sale. I bought a wireless Mighty Mouse today. Man, is it ever nice to have the scroll button and the right click! back to torrents. is azureus installing, or is it just not connecting to anything? Are you behind a router? If so, you'll likely have to open ports. if that's the case, check out www.portforward.com for information on your particular router.
  17. beeeyaaah!! http://www.devilducky.com/media/48544/
  18. 0 more sleeps! (well, maybe one afternoon nappy)
  19. I've got Azureus working on OSX 10.4.x, but what about the original? http://www.bittorrent.com/download.html what did you buy? macbook?
  20. Happy O-Town birthday Del!
  21. This lack of caring about concerns concerns me. And I'll be buying my NYE ticket tomorrow night. Aloha' date=' Brad[/quote'] Fuck, I've already got my 2 !
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