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Everything posted by bouche

  1. My router had no power today. It was plugged into an apc so no surge issues. I tried different plugs around the house. No juice. I'm wondering if the adapter is fried for some reason. Not sure how that would happen either. Does anyone know how to figure out what adapter I could try? The output is 5V - 2.5 A. Input jack says 12VDC. just found an exact adapter with an old sirius device, but the plug is too small!
  2. He also said he's not trying to be a dick so he can say whatever he wants after that. Carte Blanche. It doesn't have to be right, kind or even make any sense.
  3. bouche

    Movie rec's?

    how about tv? look for Shameless.
  4. I think Ollie's vinyl purchase the day we went saved Birdman sound in one transaction.
  5. this is the best source by far.
  6. Stretch Orchestra! Kevin Breit, Jesse Stewart and Matt Brubeck. Sweet.
  7. i don't know how to interpret this. can you find system restore? if that's your problem, start menu > in search box type - rstrui which will load up the system restore utility. if it hasn't been disabled, and had plenty of room to do restore points, you should be good to go.
  8. i wish they were playing at the Smoque Shack
  9. Because Barrymore's is a nightclub now. Aloha' date=' Brad[/quote'] ouch!
  10. I have a fender deluxe with new tubes that I've never installed. Still in the boxes.
  11. $29 a ticket... Why couldn't moe. do this in Ottawa at Barrymore's again?
  12. thx. it's better to see him talk about it than to read it.
  13. Is that what Neil said, or was that Steve's response to Neil's suggestion? It felt like it would have been Steve's response, but written like Neil said all that. Is that interview available on video?
  14. good stuff Neil. though, what if someone came out with a format that had 30 times the fidelity of files today? it'd be like 6 minute abs.
  15. in a way it's a good thing that the sisters aren't playing in Ottawa every thursday. that would guarantee lots of money spending and hungover friday's.
  16. that's almost a beer at the 4th stage!
  17. i know you weren't PM'ing me shitface just a question on whether that would work. I'm thinking that it wouldn't.
  18. are you suggesting that I pull mine out of my turntable? It's probably shit though.
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