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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. From pbs.org (i guess this will be number 18): "For high crimes and misdemeanors" The 17 impeachments in U.S. history Impeachment is the ultimate power the Congress has over those in the federal judiciary and executive branch who misuse their office. Although it was a fundamental element of the balance of powers established in the Constitution, Congress has only moved to impeach 17 men. Their crimes ranged from drunkness to planning an invasion of Florida with the British. Follow the timeline to the right to track the 17 cases and their outcomes. ---------------------- now this one tells about some of the ones that got away : http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0764613.html
  2. That was one fucked up second goal!! Reminded me of Franzen crashing towards the net and somehow placing it in ps - here's a great explanation as to why the first goal in the Italy v Holland game was legit. I was trying to explain to one of my Italian buddies at work why that player was IN the game still and you couldn't blow the whistle because he "might" have been hurt, or that he was out of bounds. http://en.euro2008.uefa.com/news/kind=1/newsid=711341.html?cid=rssfeed&att=index
  3. Kucinich Website Crippled Under Suspicious Circumstances Following Introduction of Impeachment Articles Dennis Kucinich and his wife Elizabeth
  4. I find it astonishing that this wasn't headline news last night. WTF is going on? Goes to show how many drones never seek out information from alternate sources (guess most people only use the interwebs for porn and Perez Hilton). Wonder how many people will vote in the elections this year ... http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Mainstream_media_snooze_as_Kucinich_offers_0610.html
  5. good on ya guys ... congrats! Pools are the shit ... i'm so glad the house we got had a good one Got any outdoor speakers yet?
  6. The ball has started rolling ... http://jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/247414/
  7. Full list of articles: http://www.democrats.com/files/amomentoftruth.pdf
  8. Ummmm, how come this isn't all over the headlines today?
  9. We had the games on here at work yesterday. What I saw of Romania v France was B O R I N G. Then, the Netherlands v Italy and WOW what a difference. Way more exciting game and action filled.
  10. LOL ... i kinda like the "spolier" feature. It's kinda safe too Why do bigwigs always walk by at the "wrong" time??? Carfuckers.
  11. It's one of my pugs' birthday today! Otis just turned 14. I think that they are just as "cute" when they are older.
  12. For what was negotiated, there would have been backlash from the public for spending $3million on a "song"! The CBC was going to lose either way. Shit, people complain that CBC even covers sports! Most complaints come in when friggin' Coronation Street gets preempted. I hate to see the song go, but at least it will still be used in hockey broadcasts somewhere, and it will take a long time before people will separate the song from CBC in their heads.
  13. Sorry. I'll use the "spolier" option. Around here i walk by so many desks and see women looking at pics of soccer players, Brad Pitt, etc. in bathing suits or with shirts off (the pics, not the women looking ). It sucks that a tasteful pic of a woman in a bathing suit is wrong
  14. Never? Well, yes, they really played hard-ball negotiating his last contract. It came very close to not happening, which would have seen Ron leave for another network for sure! I believe he ended up settling on $400K for all he does at CBC. To contrast that, I think that Cherry (who doesn't do a fraction of what Ron does) earns $800K for Coach's Corner.
  15. ^^^^ That is excellent. Good on them. I know there's two sides to the story, BUT CBC fucked up big time on this one. I'm sure they'll still get their manager's bonus at the end of the year for their fuckup too! No song will compare no matter how good. That was an ANTHEM.
  16. NICE Hey, if you were Tiger Woods wouldn't you want to stay home with your wife for a couple of months?? http://images.google.ca/images?q=tiger%20woods%20wife&ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi Tiger's wife
  17. Kanada Kev


    That rainbow after was fantastic. Full arch right across the sky.
  18. I normally never miss these guys when they roll through the area. This time, unfortunately, I did Did you go? How was it without Martin on drums? I may go catch Slippermen next Saturday in Hamilton, we'll see.
  19. another kickass day. Crakin' my first beer, puttin' on tunes, and hangin' poolside HAPPY FRICKIN' SUMMER
  20. Kanada Kev


    This looks like fun http://www.slashfilm.com/2008/06/06/religulous-movie-trailer/?=rssfeed
  21. Kanada Kev

    yayyyyyy God

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