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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. Good review of the Phil set: Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 14:41:33 -0700 From: RockinHorseRider Subject: My Phil And Friends Review from Philzone Finally coming back to full consciousness while sitting here at my desk, after a full and amazing day of music, food, drink, rain, mud, people, and general merriment yesterday. The three hour drive back to CT from Hunter, NY was a trip to say the least, but as usual, we made it back alive Alot of great sets today, Robert Randolph as always full of energy, the North Mississippi Allstars not missing a beat, then Michael Franti taking us higher and higher and working the place into a frenzy. It was gonna take a big night from Phil and his Friends to keep up with the three sets that preceded them. Boy did they step up. It's inevitable that with Phil's rotating door policy of bringing in new friends all the time, that lineups will be compared and contrasted. What's also inevitable is that means this lineup was sure to be compared to the "Q," in no small part to Warren Haynes' undoubted influence on that band. What I found interesting was during the set I found myself comparing the lineup more to the Haynes/Trucks lineup of November 1999 to that of the quintet. The jams were similar both in flow and execution, whereas instead of two leads going at once, it was more of a call and respnse with occasional interweaving between the two guitarists. Also, mostly due to Warren being out of the fold for so long, some songs had a tendency to start off a bit shaky, but really connect by the time the second verse or so came around. Shakedown Street was the most mentioned opener in the section of the crowd I was standing, and lo and behold the boys delivered on queue with no hesitation. This version had a bit more improvisation in the center of the song than others by Phil, and Warren sung it well, as he always does. Interesting to note that John Molo sang backup vocals for a good deal of the show, and did a very credible job. I mean, he's obviously no Barraco, and I wouldn't bet on him taking any leads, but in a three part harmony he sounded wonderful. Friend Of The Devil had a very laid back feel, not as driving as some recent versions. Steve Molitz, who for the most part played a very good show, kind of dropped the ball here on piano. FOTD screams for some sweet piano jamming, and while he was capable, I felt he left a bit on the table. The band segued well into Althea, which Warren nailed vocally, albeit while using lyric sheets (which by the way I'm fine with, if you haven't played the stuff in a while, no harm in getting it right). Good instrumental by Scofield here, but he was just getting warmed up. A short pause and a bit of meandering led to and unbelievably intense Low Spark of High Heeled Boys. Scofield showed his new found rock prowess in delivering a very solid instrumental, weaving in and out with Warren's slide to make for a very memorable version, that segued into a standard, but tasty New Speedway Boogie. Mason's Children was a rocker as always, Molo, Phil and Warren nailing the 3 part harmonies, and Phil throwing bombs all over the place. Phil sets such a high bar for himself, its hard to top what came before, but he was in incredible form last night, dancing around like a little kid and throwing out thick basslines and tasty fills all over the place. Candyman came next, and some people have said it was the lowlight of the evening. It wasn't terrible, but it was an odd choice, given some other songs of similar idiom that Warren sing so well. Still, no harm no foui, and directly after we were treated to a massive Scarlet Begonias>Eyes Of The World>Fire On The Mountain. This was, to me, the highlight of the night. The band never let down as Scofield and Warren traded licks, then circled eachother, brought it back around, and then drove it home. Particular emphasis on the Eyes instrumentals, which were quite different and distinct from eachother, but beautiful in their own way. Yes, there was a bit of a trainwreck coming out of Scarlet, but Phil laughed it off and made something new of it like only he can. A scant 5 minute break was on the card next, quelling speculation we were only getting one set tonight. Still, that first one clocked in at damn near 2 hours, and would have been enough for the wet, muddy, sunburnt masses. Unbroken Chain got things restarted, and it was an epic version. One of the longest instrumentals I can remember hearing in an Unbroken, Scofield lifted the song higher and higher with each pass through the chord progression, with Molitz matching him on the keys. It's appropriate here to mention why I believe Warren Haynes is Phil's most valuable friend, and why when he's involved the shows tend to be of the highest quality. Everybody knows that in order to play with Phil, you have to be a top notch musician, which Warren certainly is. What he brings along with that, though, is a top notch professionalism and a care that the music that's being made is of the highest quality, not just what he's playing. No other guitarist in Phil's arsenal plays as much dynamic and interesting rhythm guitar, nor vamps other players up like Warren does. He's an absolute master of sitting back, accenting others' playing, and saying his part when it comes his time. Unbroken Chain was the ultimate culmination of this. As Scofield, who will take the well deserved plaudits from this show, was going off on Unbroken, I found myself drawn to the work that Warren was putting in, accenting the high points, blending the lows, and really becoming part of the rhythm section with Molo and Phil. He helps form the backbone when he's not soloing better than anyone else Phil plays with. As any musician will tell you, you're only as good as the people you're playing with, and Warren makes people better. So Unbroken ends with Warren's Pink Floydian solo, and comes to a complete stop, before the familiar Dark Star riff rips out to thunderous ovation. A bit of instrumental leads to the first verse, then a much more elaborate one follows, melting down, rebuilding, and melting again in a fusion of organized chaos, finally melting into Mountains Of The Moon, so often a set killer but tonight played with tightness and conviction like I haven't seen. Back into Dark Star for the last verse, and one final meltdown which transforms into the singalong portion, with Lucy In The Sky the ethereal wonder it always is, and Lovelight blowing the lid off the joint with big solos from Scofield and Warren. A short walk off, then back on, and Not Fade Away puts the well weathered crowd into a frenzy, with good instrumentals and a fun singalong to end what was a very successful night and show. Phil Lesh is 67 years old. By any account, any man who's lived the life he has and done the things he's done would not be looked upon poorly at all for enjoying the retired life, living off the fat of his accomplishments, and writing the final chapter in his amazing life. That's never driven him, though, and he instead chooses to share his greatest passion with us on special nights like this. It's his youthful exuberance, energy, tempered with the wisdom of years that allows the music made by five men who've never played together at the same time before to flow without a hitch, and take us to spiritual places we always wonder if we'll ever return to. It's nights like last night that remind us why we travel the hours and miles, why we search the internet for rumors and ticket dates, and why we read and post on a message board like this to see a man and his friends play music. In the end, he makes it all worth it, and beyond that he makes us feel more than any artist that's he's doing it for us. Thanks Phil, and thanks Warren for putting on a great event. Hope to see y'all next year.
  2. Paris gets roasted nicely by Sarah Silverman last night:
  3. 710 is about the 4th house from the corner...the google program shows it if you search for 722...it's the house with the three people talking in the driveway and the black suv in front... http://maps.google.com/maps?tab=il&hl=en&q=722+Ashbury+St.%2C+San+Francisco%2C+CA Try zooming in and you can even read the license plate of the car that is parked in the garage! The house looks like this:
  4. I've got a make-it-yourself-key-lime-pie-in-a-bag thing if you want it ... even comes with a little wooden spoon.
  5. Right near Bob L. Head's place! http://sports.espn.go.com/minorlbb/news/story?id=2889696&campaign=rss&source=ESPNHeadlines
  6. I know that local Human Societies and animal shelters are often looking for extra plastic bags too. If you want to unload 'em, give 'em a call.
  7. Cool! What Genesis does he sample Ollie?
  8. AD, Thanks for the link to that blog. Those comments don't seem too bad. At least they are complimentary of the beauty of the city, quality of the arena, and how well Bart is dubbed into French There are some fun pictures in the blog as well. I wonder if it was one of these guys that I saw in the middle of the crowd on TV on Saturday? A major majority of the fans in the building wear Sens jerseys and a lot less wear Ducks jerseys. Then there are these two guys. And hey, if you want to catch the Ducks on their way to Kanata today, be on the lookout for this bus!!! Kanata ... don't tell me this town ain't got no heart
  9. Spot on. Thanks for posting that. While I was watching the game slightly delayed (i love my PVR) I didn't get to switch over to NBC. Neale and Cole were driving me nuts all night though. They HAVE to get rid of them for next season. I'm so sick of listening to their crap. Great quote from Neale pre-game, regarding what the Sens had to do: "The Sens have to do less, and they'll win" WTF!? I'm sure he was trying to insinuate that they should be simplifying their game? Whatever the case, it sounded completely absurd and non-professional. No wonder he was a failure as a coach!
  10. Fun game to watch on Saturday night. Lots of drama, lots of physical play (both sides this time), lots of action. Lots of crappy goals out of the 8 scored. That's typical of a grinding game though. The goalies were back to their mediocre selves . Pronger deserves the game suspension due to his repeat offender status. However, I do find it completely bizarre that on the 2 incidents surrounding him in the playoffs that he was never called for a penalty. What the fuck does that say about the refs? On that hit, i think that the biggest bang came from his head hitting the ice. The camera angle with him "waking up" was weird. You could read his lips saying he didn't know where he was!!! Kinda scary. Good to see he was up and "ok" after and not hauled out on a stretcher. Alfie's goal? Well, I thought it was legit. He did not kick it in. He DID redirect it, and that's fine. Too bad that same goal didn't count for Crosby back in round one Talk about making Game 4 that much more interesting! Holy shit is a lot on the line. Pronger's suspension in the last round really inspired the Ducks to rise to the occasion. Will the Sens be able to ride their wave from Game 3? There was the funniest shot of the crowd before the puck dropped on Saturday night. They were panning the crowd. Sea of red. Looked really cool. Then, right in the middle, is a dude wearing a blue hockey sweater in the middle of that sea of red ... yup, the guy is wearing his Leafs sweater!!! :D ... he's got balls. I was laughing hard and rewinding the PVR a bunch of times Looking forward to a great game tomorrow night.
  11. Killer show ... the audio is driving me nuts though. Makes it hard to listen to. Wasn't like this the last couple of nights though My buddy just called me from the gig ... says it's absolutely fantastic!
  12. Anyone else getting shitty sound on the Phil set? Also, my computer's been crashing all weekend with this broadcast. I don't know if it's because it's forcing play in Windoze Media Player or what? Driving me nuts.
  13. Drop the puck already ... i'm wayyy too freakin' hot right now. TIme for a swim, and then some CCCOOOLLLDDD BEEEEEEEEERRS
  14. TSN must be reading this thread. http://www.tsn.ca/tsn_talent/columnists/bob_mckenzie/ McKenzie: Conn Smythe talk shifting Samuel Pahlsson 6/1/2007 9:54:16 AM With the Ducks dominating the first two games of Stanley Cup final, Conn Symthe Trophy talk has shifted from the Senators' Daniel Alfredsson to Ducks' goalie Jean-Sebastien Giguere. Read on .... http://www.tsn.ca/tsn_talent/columnists/bob_mckenzie/
  15. It's 9:40pm and something is coming up on the video! IT's the MULE !! Nice ... doing a little Radiohead ... What a Creep
  16. I'm not with Primus, but rather Vonage. I LOVE IT! It's such a better deal than with Ma Bell and wayyy more features. Gotta love the VOIP
  17. Brad that was the one! I got hoofed out after lighting up (after one warning by a little security dude) upstairs on the balcony. I didn't put up a fuss when the giant goon meatheads tapped me on the shoulder and told me to leave. I wasn't going to give them any reason to use force. I walked out to the front door, where I was hoping they wouldn't then proceed to pound me. I waited about 10mins, then walked back in :) After the show they tried to kick me out of the show again (just clearing the venue). Luckily, I was hangin' with JonO (soundman for SCI) and we just went backstage to join the party .
  18. ohhh ... ok, so there is a 'connection' there
  19. How does a Sens/StanleyCup/Hockey thread spiral down to the depths of the NBA? Is this because of Bettman? What's going on in Sens Land? No more jokes? Funny pics?
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