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Everything posted by hamilton

  1. Lucinda Williams, Little Honey. One word: awesome!! Of course.
  2. R.I.P. Merl. Thanks for the memories, and the tunes!
  3. It's all about save percentages - 2 goals on 32 shots is a helluva lot better than 5 goals on 24 shots! And that is where Biron is hurting me at the moment - not just because the Flyers are losing, but because they are losing in high-scoring, low shot games. And no badams, I'm not going to get rid of him. No trade for you!
  4. Biron is killing me so far (-10.25) but I'm sure he'll turn things around sooner rather than later. I hope.
  5. You wanna bugger dima's dad in a bra and do Jagerbombs and fetish? The Phish 3.0 scene sure is different than the old one...
  6. I'm proud to live in almost-homosexually-friendly country. Or, at least, to be from one. And to one day return there.
  7. Okay, I'll bite: why do you need ten acorns?
  8. Well, he's never going to make any crazy hippie babies that way, is he?
  9. Of course, at times I also find Manley to be a little too "right" in the whole "centre-right" spectrum. I'm just babbling, really.
  10. Because he looks a bit like Beaker from the Muppet Show. I dunno. I guess I think he did a good job on all three of the portfolios he held during Chretien's government - especially Industry, which is an essential but curiously underappreciated portfolio. And he seems likeably modest without being dull - exactly the sort of politician that Canadians like to vote for. A policy wonk with more personality. Having said that though, I think Frank McKenna has a better chance of being Liberal leader.
  11. I saw him once, but it was about 18 years ago - I think he had Karl Denson in his band, and I think he opened for The Cult. I remember enjoying it at the time, but I also liked The Cult at the time, so that says quite a lot in itself, doesn't it? Bottom line: at this point in my life I think I can name about three Lenny Kravitz songs and I think they were all from the first album. There's probably some paint you can watch dry somewhere.
  12. Prime Minister John Manley of Canada. That sounds pretty good!
  13. I'm pretty sure he cries during 90210 sometimes!
  14. I don't think you need to log in that way at this point. Just sign in to yahoo, then click on "Sports" and then "Fantasy" and you should see a link to your team.
  15. I'm waiting for John Manley to make a comeback.
  16. Hmmmm. Maybe I did it in a provincial election. It was over ten years ago, things are a little fuzzy... but not so fuzzy that I don't remember the confusion on their faces when I did it.
  17. Why spoil a ballot when you have the option of declining one? I've done it before. You show up, hand in your stuff, and then when they offer you a ballot you inform the people that you want to decline. It gets registered as such. A spoiled ballot, on the other hand, could be somebody who just screwed up with their ballot, and not voting could be construed as apathy. At least a declined ballot sends a message.
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