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Everything posted by bokonon

  1. Aerosmith's stuff from the seventies is awesome! But AC DC vibrates my special places.
  2. Congratulations! That's beautiful. best.word.ever.
  3. bokonon


    What about Girls?
  4. bokonon


    A certain song is now coming to mind...a little ditty from the Beastie Boys known as Heartattack Man....
  5. hahaha! I don't know how to get a hold of them but if you do, tell them I say hi, they're neat!
  6. It's a bit formulaic but better than watching the OC or celebrity news....but that's not saying much. When in doubt, channel fifty-four.
  7. bokonon


    Uh oh....looks like NewRider's back on the rockstar diet again, coke and hookers!
  8. HEY!!! I am one of the few women in Browntown who has NOT slept with Smurphy. It's something I'm quite proud of and I put it on my resume. Bokonon 1 First Ave. Paris, On Rowdy library technician who has not bumped uglies with Smurphy seeks full-time position...missionary, doggy or otherwise...just none with Steve Murphy.
  9. I didn't even get any fucking birthday.....fucking. That was too many fuckings; a la allow myself to introduce....myself. and you can get mono or strep from sharing smokes and drinks and whatnot.
  10. hahah! Thanks again everyone. Guess what I got for my birthday...either mono or strep-throat. I find out later this week. Ain't life grand. faaaawk!
  11. bokonon


    Aw, that totally sucks! I'm glad your insurance company was so cool, same with your neighbours and Douglas and Bouche.
  12. I really liked this movie. It's got a great soundtrack (IMHO) I thought the vocals were fantastic. I will admit the plot was a bit thin but the music and the cinemetography were fantastic. I love the underwater scenes....so hot! It's the kind of movie I could watch repeatedly. It's the cinematic equivalent of Mr. Noodles, the world's best comfort food...it's a comfort flick. It's got good tunes, good sets and a little bit of lovey dovey shit with some humor on the side.
  13. Sweet! I didn't get any birthday sex so I'm *so* up for that! Thank-you all for the sexy and kind birthday wishes!
  14. Jesus Christ that's funny! You have such a profound understanding of Brantford despite the fact you've only lived here a short time. Well done!
  15. I was born in Year of the Cock....anyone surprised?
  16. I like Goodwill. I found the cutest leather jacket for my friend's daughter when I went there last. She's three and Grandpa builds bikes so now she looks even cuter (which I didn't think possible) on the bikes.
  17. I don't think so. I think they have a lot of technical skill (but wtf do I know, I don't play, they just sound impressive to me)I also like loud, agressive music. And the S & M album, where they play with the San Francisco Orchestra blows my mind. It's one of my favorite albums out of any musical act.....it makes my car seats vibrate in a special way.
  18. Are you asking me specifically because I'm an overopinionated loudmouth? (or the web equivalent; a poststoomuch)
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