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Everything posted by bokonon

  1. Probably not. Besides, I'm a total shrew, ask Neugroove!
  2. No, I'm not sure. I learned a while ago to never ask a question if there is a specific answer you don't want to hear. What you don't know you won't notice hurting you!
  3. Yep, I moved again. I've got my stuff down to one rubbermaid box of clothes and one of kitchen stuff plus my laptop and whatever book I happen to be reading at the time. I'm highly portable.
  4. Um....you don't have nekkid pics of me. In fact' date=' nobody on this board has any. Maybe I could start a second career......[/quote'] uuuhhhh... I live in Brantford now honey! You don't know WHAT I have!!! Darlin', I don't live in Brantford now......you ain't got shit!
  5. You got the wrong band whore with that one. I'm the one that yells excessively and beligerantly.
  6. Um....you don't have nekkid pics of me. In fact, nobody on this board has any. Maybe I could start a second career......
  7. Well then, let's see your pics!!! I should start a poll: "Who wants to see nekkid pics of Gr8ful?"
  8. Thanks for wrecking Bruce Willis for me, jerkface!
  9. bokonon

    Legal info?

    Get well soon! Try calling traffic services and ask for a police report number, they should be able to give that to you over the phone. You can forward that to the insurance company and maybe it will get you somewhere. Just keep pushing for what you want, otherwise you will probably be left by the wayside.
  10. I bet they'll play until well after twelve o'clock at all those shows!
  11. Pics please!! Preferably nekkid!
  12. She wasn't topless but there was a girl dancing on stage. Some kind of modern dance, it was neat but it would have looked better if she was up on a separate platform or even a sub.
  13. Darlin', Bottle's got more hair on his upper lip than I have on my whole body. Think more along the lines of Bruce Willis.......Mmmmmmm big, sexy bald guy, I'll take two!
  14. Macho is definitely the way to go! I like a man who has less hair (on his head) and more balls than me and also who can talk about trannies and not mean men in heels. Oh yeah, coveralls and grease under the fingernails is *so* hot! Mmmmm...big shoulders too, even a little beer belly's okay, makes a girl feel all tiny and sexy and it's nice to cuddle up to. If I wanted someone pretty I'd date a chick. BE A MAN!
  15. And there was no pretty long hair.
  16. But Waterford is awesome!
  17. I went to the Mr. Something Something show on Saturday night at the Kent Street bar in Simcoe. I got there a little after eleven, paid my $17 cover and got to listen to less than an hour of music! Nowhere in the advertising was there any mention of an early finish and they still charged us full price. Also, the service at the bar sucked. They were ridiculously slow and kinda bitchy. There is no way in hell I'm going back to that venue. But just to clarify, I want to mention that the band was fantastic and put on a great but short show. I love the music, can't stand the place. I feel ripped off.
  18. Oh Thursday you sweet thing, you can not come fast enough!
  19. I think we should make every day Mickey Day! Or maybe we should make them Two Mickies Day......where is my JD?
  20. I always thought she killed herself. Can't remember where I picked up that idea. If I was that miserable I'd off myself. I know I'm not thinking of Virginia Wolf, I really don't enjoy her writing at all.
  21. BradM, you are one of the few people who have mastered the art of comedic timing on the internet. You're a fucking genius!
  22. I'm reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand again. This book is very intense to read and might make you despise almost everyone around you, but it's still a good read, very motivating. I can see why Ayn killed herself, she was alone at the top. She really had some interesting philosophies, but just like any other school of thought, it is essential to be objective about it.....tee hee!
  23. The guy I'm with wears this shirt all the time, so I might be in!
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