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Everything posted by bokonon

  1. I think someone's a little nervous!
  2. P.S. Bikers Against Drunk Drivers will not be in Dover. My boss doesn't think it will be worth the effort. I think that's retarded.
  3. Me and Peaches used to make lawnchair forts in the backyard. With blankets and pillows. We'd hide all the Doritos inside so we didn't have to share with our siblings. I wanna build a lawnchair fort.
  4. Where was this kid when I was in grade eight? Elementary school would have been so much more fun spent together!
  5. The ROM is cheap on Friday nights, five bucks I think. (unless you go with YATS, then it's free!) There are some great things for kids to check out, I highly recommend the bat cave. The AGO is free on Wednesday nights. The Toronto Public Library has a ton of free stuff for kids too. Some of it really looks like fun. You should take her canoeing too, it's such a quintessentially Canadian thing. There's a great rental place in Paris, near Brantford, or you could go rafting with Blue Heron rafting. The owner is comedian Roger Chandler, so it's always a fun time. Rafting is fun on its own, but throw in Roger and it's a boatload of monkeys! (lots of pun intended) If you want to go camping, my family used to always go to MacGregor Point near Port Elgin. They had lots of kids activities put on by the park staff and it's a beautiful spot that's not too far away. What about renting bikes and taking her on a tour of the Toronto waterfront or somewhere like that? Rainbow Cinemas is a good place to go for cheap movies. There's one somewhere along Front Street, if I remember correctly. That's all I got.
  6. woo hoo! Let's play.I take it you're not looking for another job, eh?
  7. That's a very fair opinion. I really don't know what is going on up there. I'm in Montreal (boo!). I will be back in Collingwood on Tuesday and I will figure it all out then. I talked to Lynn today. I think the major issue he is having is that he wants to set up a regular schedule and he can't find people that will commit to specific days. I think it's kinda silly the way he's doing it, but it will get straightened out. I'm really sorry about the way this was handled. I really don't know what Lynn is doing up there.
  8. I like the Beaver and Bulldog. It's within walking distance of my motel and has Keith's Red on tap!
  9. For anyone that's interested in filling the position before July 18th the person to call is Lynn Ricks. He's an old cowboy from Oklahoma, don't let the name fool you. He's working Collingwood until that day. PM me for his number. After the 18th it is planned that I will be going back. But we shall see.
  10. I am *so* dying to see this!
  11. $65/ night at the Milestone Inn. They gave us a charity rate. They covered my hotel expenses but they won't cover the accomodations of a person who is up there permanently. I just went there to set it all up. It was my first solo project and it's a great location! Woo Hoo, success!
  12. This is what I want for Christmas.
  13. Well I did work at the Village I stayed at the Milestone in town. (Did you see my big, black redneck truck parked there? It's the flat black one with mag wheels, shiny rims and ZZ Top on the side. I love it.) My first night in town I got a ride with the town's most popular biker grand-dad Tommy, he's super nice. His buddy Kevin has some good stories too. When you work in the village you meet people who work there, and they tend to be locals. Oh yeah, and of course there's my favourite local; Carl the Canadian Construction Worker. I've never seen a big, bald man blush so quick in my life. I scared the shit out of the poor bastard. God, he's cute. But I might be back on the 18th, so lets go play! I really want to come back, it's been my most favourite location yet with this job.
  14. Actually, I kinda like Stayner. It's pretty much the same thing. I just like the fact that you can find water, trees and hills all in the same place. Also, the traffic is much less hectic than Montreal.
  15. This job is seriously a frickin' cakewalk too. I worked this location last week and it was so nice. I'm back in Montreal now, but I want to go back to Collingwood. People come up to you with their wallets open and most are really nice. The staff at the restaurant are great and the food is frickin' fantastic. The locals are pretty cool too. Man I miss Collingwood. I'm so not digging being in Montreal every day.
  16. Hey Natty Matty, did you call me today or is this another Matt from CTMF-ish related places that is interested in the job?
  17. I'm a 'she' and I'm in Montreal. I was actually thinking with all this travelling I could start a game thread on here, like "Where in the World Is Carmen San Diego?" Only it would be "Where the Fuck is Bokonon?" My clues would be much more colourful than Carmen's.
  18. I know all you hippies are in to conservation and all that, but you do know you can't re-use calendars, right? You need a new one every year.
  19. and Steve's turning dirty thirty, appropriately enough! Love ya Smurphy!
  20. I abhor feeling like the only ethical people around are the broke people. It seems like everyone is scamming other people to get ahead. I would really like to meet one person who has the American dream and does it ethically. Without having to lie, cheat or steal; without having to put a spin on what they do. God, today sucks.
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