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Everything posted by bokonon

  1. That's what happens when you don't know anyone in the city in which you are staying. Poopsicles. Now you all must read my wrath!
  2. Dude, don't you guys live three blocks from KFC?
  3. Mine does too, and I've got a laptop. Can't seem to figure out the problem......
  4. Aren't you thinking of Evolve or OM? Anyways' date=' thanks for the pep talk MOM![/quote'] Newrider, I'm going to grow a dick just so you can suck it!
  5. This week my office is a street. Yesterday I almost got a ticket for solicitation.......maybe I need a new job. ;P
  6. Toronto audiences suck! And I'm not even a performer, I just like dancing to good tunes. Apparently I'm the only one that ever lived in Toronto that does like to dance and doesn't like being on stage.
  7. I want blood, I want carnage and I want it now! Come on, don't be pussies; rip those chairs to pieces and impale those limp-kneed fuckers! Then we barbecue!
  8. Now the real question is, which of Phillip Morris' products is the least harmful to your health; is it cigarettes or KD? I'm voting cigarettes.
  9. So it's a raffle and not an auction. Aloha' date=' Brad[/quote'] Brad's being semantic and seeking carnage today. (see the thread about dead cars and tv's) Where did this evil Brad come from? I think Brad turned in to a girl and has PMS.
  10. Happy Birthday! I think you've had two of them since I've seen you last, holy shit!
  11. Holy shit, it's your birthday?!? Maybe we should all chip in and get this chick a car. With all of us together we'll have you in a sweet 1983 Acadian in no time!
  12. My grandmother could kick that grandmother's ass!
  13. [color:purple] Clearly that's what Frontier Town needs, a bunch of drunk and high hippies driving around like maniacs instead of just running. We simply haven't seen enough death at this festival. Now who's going to step up to the plate and take one for the team? I want blood, I want gore and I want it now. FUCK, you're both fired.
  14. I think they forgot a piece or two.
  15. bokonon

    mmm pizza

    wow, porno pizza just proves that there is an appropriate Simpson's quote for all occasions.
  17. check yer PMS! wait, I mean your pm's, wait, .........what do I mean?!?!
  18. I know where I can get some good acid......
  19. bokonon

    S. Ont peeps

    The absurdity of this post made me spit cranberry juice on my computer. I vote this the most useless post I've ever seen. Schwa, that's hilarious.
  20. I think I've found my true love, thanks Chameleon! And I already have rechargeables! FUCKFUCK YEAH!
  21. Congrats Darlin'! You are a perfect person to do this kind of work, and all us Browntown girls could benefit from your services!
  22. What: Bikers Against Drunk Drivers is looking for someone to receive donations in exchange for tickets in the world's largest Harley Davidson giveaway. The money raised goes to help victims of drunk driving with medical, legal and personal costs. We also do youth education and public awareness campaigns. Where: The Village at Blue Mountain When: ASAP-Labour Day, possibly longer. Full or part-time, hours can vary between 9am-1am (you won't have to work that whole time period, that's just the entire frame that is available) How Much: $100/day for a full shift (8-10 hours) plus incentives. (the incentives are really frickin' good) Perks: 50% off food at the Original Motorcycle Cafe and Lounge, possiblity of travel allllll over the frickin' place! So in short, you stand out in the sun, talk to people all day about Harleys and feel good about working for a good cause. It's not hard and it is fun.
  23. I still want a reunion tour. Or show. It's what I want for Christmas.
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