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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. One of the coolest things i've ever seen was a thunderstorm on the prairies. I was driving through Idaho with a friend and we were in a transport truck. I could see over all the traffic and the view stretched on for miles. The lightening bolts were purple like black lights and you could see hundreds of them at once since the landscape is so flat. The clouds boiled and the rain was not drops, it simply poured from the sky. You could taste the energy in the air, a faint metallic tinge on the tip of your tongue.

    One of my favourite memories.

  2. super freak and dancin' jeremy can usually be found groovin near the front of wherever they are and personally i think they add to the show. and i'm short-ish at five five. they're enthusiastic fans and they're nice so do it up! Mind you, i've never seen them pork each other on the floor. That's a whole other kind of show.

  3. the best is that she'll think you're "cute" and "odd" in your tastes and references...the worst is that she'll come to believe you're a creepy middle-age dude whose peers don;t want anything to do with him

    wow, talking like you've been there!

    My last two exes were significantly older than me, Fourteen and twelve years. (I used to like to bug Mark that he had furniture older than his girlfriend.) It was fun for a while, but after some time passed I realized that there were many things in life I wanted that they didn't. Also, I realized that we didn't really have much in common. Basically it comes down to what you like to do now and what you want to do later. Make sure it's not just a physical attraction or something else equally superficial. What aspects of your personality does she bring out and vice versa?

  4. Ed is having a thirtieth birthday party this Saturday at Two Doors Down in Browntown. I've got crash space if anyone needs it. Bring a sleeping bag though, unfortuneately it's floor space since I have no couch.

  5. Okay, aside from the awesome spectacle that is Joyslam, I personally would like to request Jomomma having a later outdoor set and Chameleon Project in the Saloon to finish the night. I don't care what night but I would actually get my lazy ass to Frontier Town if my two favourite jambands had good time slots. (of course these favourites are relegated to the slots proceeding Mark Wilson-- :cool: )

  6. Then lay out your $150 and put your money where your mouth is.

    Dude, I have a job where the pay isn't so awesome. I can afford my bills and a little bit of frivolous spending. If I have any money left over after driving school this month I'm totally all over Van Morrison. But I really want to drive so that's my first priority.

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