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Everything posted by peipunk

  1. Are you one of those people who think Green Bay would be in the playoffs if they had Favre? I guess he was gonna play defense and stop the run? Aaron Rodgers played fine this year. Getting rid of Favre and letting Rodgers play was definitely the right choice.
  2. Happy day brother. See you in a couple months.
  3. OMG thanks for that Mike...some great memories there, I definitely played most of those games at one time or another. One of my best friends in Junior High was from Holland and every time he went to visit(once or twice a year), he would come back with a toolbox full of freshly cracked games (seems like all the games got cracked in Europe)....so he had everything. I put a LOT of time into my C64 then.
  4. More C64 talk! Oh I remember Fort Apocalypse very well. Maniac Mansion remains near the top of my list of greatest games ever....that shit was GOLD. LucasFan actually did a remake called Maniac Mansion Deluxe in 2004...... Maniac Mansion Deluxe
  5. Ahhh, I love my retro gaming. I have the C64 emulator and a library of almost every game ever made, same with MAME. Actually, I am debating getting one of these when I am in California in March: These guys also make boxes called ArcadePC: www.hanaho.com
  6. I am pretty sure it was Grade 7 for me when I played a VERY early D&D type dungeon game called Oubliette on my Commodore 64.....it took 45 minutes to load from the "Datasette". Ahhh the memories.
  7. I, for one, applaud your efforts.
  8. Thanks and go fuck yourself. (in the spirit of) AngréBooche
  9. Out of curiousity, where does your hatred of the Bills stem from? I sort of have a soft spot for them after going to a game there and the whole "small market" thing (I always had a soft spot for the little guys; fuck the Yankees).
  10. WWABD? AngreBooche'd. (I have no idea how to put the accent on the "e".)
  11. A friend of mine is adamant that Detroit is only getting what they deserve after not letting Barry Sanders get a trade to another team. I wasn't following football back then so I can't really comment, but my buddy gets worked into a frenzy every time he brings it up, lol.
  12. Sounds like a dream come true Jeff. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. cheers cb
  13. peipunk

    "Economic Update"

    Bangin on the bongoes like a chimpanzee Ahhhh feels good that my only contribution to the politics forum is a Dire Straits lyric. Please carry on.
  14. Just a quick note about the new material, Neil made a comment at the Halifax show that I thought was hilarious...before one of the "new songs" (I'll be honest, I didn't know them or particularly enjoy them, but my seats were terrible), Neil said something like: "here's a new song, I dunno, they all sound the same to me....."
  15. Well said! I echo your sentiment. My advice for future thread-makers is to leave the "Top 10" out of your post title...just call it "Picks of the Year" or "Favourite albums of 2008" or something. Don't give AngryBooche any ammo, he'll grab any opening to shit all over you... cheers
  16. Please, please, please! Anytime and all are welcome. I promise plenty of nero shows as soon as I win the lottery.
  17. A mild consolation to a strike would be more Rubberdinghy posts around here?
  18. This show was indeed a dream pairing for me and and incredible show all around. I think my favorite Neil moments were Oh, Lonesome Me and Unknown Legend. I was just as excited for Wilco though! Even though we had horrible seats they sounded great. Tweedy lost some of the words to California Stars but said it was because he was so excited to play for us, hehe. They were great, but nothing will beat seeing them in a small theatre like we did last time they were through these parts.
  19. Happy birthday LOVER Here's a magical moment you created (preserved digitally forever):
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