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Everything posted by AD

  1. make sure to consult that chart i posted above for your date.
  2. [color:purple]I didn't realize we were talking about such a big fish. hehe. oh well. he's a douche.
  3. isn't this just a regular night out in Jersey anyways?
  4. really? a city-level politician gets kicked out of a cover band show and the late night comics are going to cover it? i guess we'll have to wait and see.
  5. Get Bjork and the Brass Girls over here again soon!
  6. I used acorns, 10-12 to be exact. They were easy to find.
  7. AD


    if you get a ham without the bone in, no need to add any salt in any form to whatever you make, it's super salty to begin with.
  8. have price's balls even dropped yet?
  9. Here's the headline of the story: "GILLETT, BALSILLIE DENY REPORT THAT HABS ARE FOR SALE" And if you read down to the third paragraph: "When asked by TSN to respond to the report, Balsillie's lawyer Rich Rodier said, "absolutely not, it couldn't be farther from the truth, there is nothing to it - zero."
  10. well i guess it opens at dawn or something yeah, but the calendar day when deer season began started at midnight.
  11. gotta update that joke for the new pope ferchrisakes
  12. According to a local journalist, Wendell's owners are no longer talking to the press due to more and more prank 'sightings' being reported to them. Also, someone reported a dead Wallaby on Merivale this morning. Upon investigating it turned out to be a cow. Who the fuck mistakes a tiny marsupial with a cow?
  13. Franken vs Coleman is down to 237 votes
  14. You're a day late - he's moved on. Those sightings were early yesterday (Thursday) morning. http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=ebfb491f-ccae-4513-86ea-dc38a83474ff But yeah, go looking, it can't hurt!
  15. toronto star article: http://www.thestar.com/news/world/article/531790
  16. that mushroom soup from timmie's that is being advertised everywhere is fucking disgusting (no real surprise there but though i should warn everyone). absolutely sick. i had one spoonful and threw it away.
  17. the headlines on google news for Al Franken suggest that Coleman eeked out the win, but most of the articles talk about the recount. so i guess it's still a wait and see. fingers crossed!
  18. well i guess these aren't conclusions as much as statements, but i still don't think they're logical. but logic's not a prerequisite on this board or the internet in general. Whether Canadians vote or not has nothing to do with the American election. Whether we're perceived as backwater hicks or not has nothing to do with what another country does with their democracy. Do Canadians fear change? If if if... Oh well. I get the sentiment, people are happy about Obama and disappointed about Canada's election. There's no real correlation though in these examples. Carry on.
  19. i didn't put words in your mouth, just saying that your conclusion is illogical
  20. [color:purple]Yes, Obama had nothing to do with it. It's a nice hypothesis sure, but in no way does the American election turnout reflect on Canada at all. To say that we're backwater hicks based on turnout to an American election is backwater hick logic.
  21. as of 11:46 eastern this morning
  22. Al Franken's bid for the Senate is super super close. Still no winner and a recount is in the works.
  23. he does house calls, and is no longer important
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