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Everything posted by AD

  1. i am sure that many places outside canada don't give a shit about our biennial elections.
  2. Ottawa wins in OT, Obama wins, Toronto loses. All we need is to find Wendell and all will be right with the world.
  3. Time to drastically lower expectations. And fast.
  4. I doubt they are game-worn, but feel free to prove me wrong I have a red jersey - why would I want a white one? How do you know that the store can't sell them? Booche, what's the correlation between a sale on tickets to a game and a discount on jerseys? Trolls
  5. "You clap for the dancer, even though she shouldn't be a dancer"
  6. Wendell is still on the run, spotted most recently between Lombardy and Portland. Deer season opens tonight at midnight, I hope Wendell isn't mistakenly shot! There are also worries about hunters' dogs chasing him down and either catching him and tearing him apart or him having a heart attack from all the running. Not to mention he has to survive the wolves, coyotes and cars out there. There's a $1000 dollar reward for his return.
  7. And I agree with you on your agreement.
  8. right, so there's no way to draw a direct line between Obama looking at NAFTA and millions of Canadians getting royally fucked.
  9. if the canadian negotiators can't get a fair shake, we should hardly blame obama. we should blame the inept canadian who is supposed to be standing up for the interests of canada as a whole. that's what negotiating is.
  10. i left when the fucking slap bass solo started in the second song. uggggg
  11. there are two outright denials in that article you linked to.
  12. the tickets will only go up in value should you be able to convince her to sell. but it seems like she planned a nice trip that she really wants to take, why deprive her of that.
  13. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/249638/ http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/249606/ yeah, we've heard. great lineup.
  14. totally agree. i walked by this morning and there is a show on the 24th on the marquee. so, who is the show promoter if it's not Mavericks?
  15. it's not rhetorical, i'm really asking. i don't know the answer.
  16. it doesn't matter, but i'm just asking a simple question because FBN said they were lame in their promotion and marketing. I was asking if they were the promoter for the show, because if not, the venue (in a perfect world) wouldn't be responsible for the promotion. what's your beef?
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