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Everything posted by AD

  1. AD

    Un-repealable laws?

    well maybe i'm not all that familiar with how the Code works. Is it, all in one, "the law"? or is the Code made up of many many laws? know what i mean? if there is a law against murder, and another law against rape, i can't see what government down the line would want / need to repeal that, and i'd have no issue with that. but at the same time i think no law should be un-repealable. what a twisted question bradm asked.
  2. AD

    Un-repealable laws?

    i was thinking more along the lines of murder, rape, assault, etc.... but i guess people are kind of doing that to the environment too.
  3. AD

    Un-repealable laws?

    i don't know if there is a mechanism that would make a law un-repealable, but there are certainly many laws that i would have no problem making that way. even though i do agree with all the philosophical positions posted here about laws not changing etc...
  4. A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question posed for its persuasive effect without the expectation of a reply. For example, "Why me, Lord?"[1] Rhetorical questions encourage the listener to reflect on what the implied answer to the question must be. When a speaker states, "How much longer must our people endure this injustice?" or "How many times do I have to tell you to stop walking into the house with mud on your shoes?"; no formal answer is expected. Rather, it is a device used by the speaker to assert or deny something.
  5. i have already shipped my tent to Loring AFB. the lemonwent is going to be sweet.
  6. from the overhead cam the puck wasn't even going in. but i had some beers so maybe i was watching it crookedlike. definitely an insanely sweet save though, regardless of where the puck was going. i definitely said 'oh shit' when i saw it. on beer.
  7. didn't you turn off the rangers game? or was that dave-o?
  8. i don't see that on this chart... explain
  9. that meat was in his pants before it was in his... pocket.
  10. http://palinquotes.sillycloud.com/
  11. don't have the details, no. except that they live in virginia and would most definitely have health insurance, probably provided by his current employer. you guys sure write a lot in this thread.
  12. do *not* stay at confederation place hotel. i was there last year for a couple nights and it was disgusting. GROSS
  13. i don't know any of the details involved so this may be totally irrelevant, and at the least totally unhelpful, but we were looking at hiring a dude from the states to work up here. the money we offered him was insane but he turned us down because his wife is sick and they couldn't get the same level of care in canada as they could in the states. just a little anecdote there. doesn't really mean anything.
  14. So Caribou's album Andorra won the Polaris. They must smoke a lot of crack in that jury room.
  15. The 67s are not football, baseball, roller hockey or lacrosse.
  16. well, that was quick. see ya, barely knew ya
  17. AD


    on their website it tells you where you can find it on the "dial." if you use rogers, it's not on the "dial," yet.
  18. AD


    I thought the home of poutine was from Warwick? i guess it's one of those things that everyone claims though. either way it's delicious
  19. was hoping they'd play kingston that night to make a sadies / dylan weekend. but that's good news i guess. thanks for digging bradm
  20. I hope the announce an Ottawa or weekend Kingston show, does that count?
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