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Everything posted by AD

  1. AD

    the debate

    "the media" is claiming all sorts of things.
  2. AD

    the debate

    uh, she's running against Peter MacKay. She doesn't stand a chance. (But I'll be very pleasantly surprised if she does, by some insane miracle, pull it off)
  3. the area around the NAC is well-known for its deep dark holes actually.
  4. i like most of what May is saying but she has such a flat and boring delivery. it shows that it's her first set of debates.
  5. Layton - "Where's your platform? Under the sweater?" hahaha
  6. Will and I just walked around the NAC, it's a madhouse. As we were there the Harper bus drove by - I gave it a thumbs down. I was hoping the driver knew that my thumb was referring to the campaign and the Stephen Harper, not his bus. Although the bus was ugly. We also forgot out "Steve Paikin for PM" signs. Fack. Also - No office? Motherfucking Biden and Palin assholes.
  7. "Now we all know Gov. Palin has a lot of foreign policy experience because from Alaska, she can see Russia. More to the point, Russia is on the other side of the international dateline from Alaska. It's tomorrow there. So when Palin looks at it, she's actually seeing the future." --Stephen Colbert, Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report."
  8. Hey DaveyBoy, meet you at Bacon. Bacon o'clock.
  9. I read that like bacon was a place that was cool. And I immediately wanted to go there.
  10. Father: Jimmy? Jimmy: Yes, dad? Father: Jimmy, I have bad news. Jimmy: What is it, dad? Father: It's about your cat... Poster. Jimmy: Poster Nutbag? Father: YOUR CAT OD'D ON OXY!!!
  11. team1200 has the sens / frolunda game right now
  12. colin james - i just came back to say goodbye
  13. nothing like a harmony guitar solo cover song to welcome back a single-guitar band whose guitarist had trouble with his own compositions last time out. just sayin'
  14. The Office! Canadian debate during commercials. And then the Canadian debate after The Office is done.
  15. JENNIFER DANCES!!! dedicated to ScottieKing
  16. there are tons of freelance yoga instructors around, at good rates too. if you call rama lotus and ask about recent graduates from their instructor programs you might get some good and cheap results that way.
  17. he's talking 94, not 93 04-06-94 The Masonic Temple, Toronto, ON, Canada 1: Llama, Guelah Papyrus, Poor Heart, Stash, Lizards, Sample in a Jar, Scent of a Mule, Fee-> Run Like an Antelope 2: The Curtain-> Down With Disease, Wolfman's Brother, Sparkle, Mike's Song-> Lifeboy, Weekapaug Groove, The Squirming Coil, Cavern E: Ginseng Sullivan*, Nellie Cane*, Sweet Adeline* Venue commonly known as "Concert Hall". *Encore was acoustic and without mics.
  18. when will they respond to people's ticket requests?
  19. AD

    Un-repealable laws?

    yeah, i don't think i know enough about how laws are created or defined to really make much of a statement in this thread.
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