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Everything posted by AD

  1. they day i eat turducken is the day i finally experience happiness. please jebus. grant me this one wish...
  2. oops, the thursday post was the good one. go back and click on thursday!
  3. Clint Malarchuk Shoots Himself (and survives) 3rd best band name ever!
  4. i went to see the fembots last saturday at zaphods and they succcccccccccccccccked. last time i saw them (maybe 2 years ago at hillside?) they were great. i wonder what happened. and - booche is now in Secret Robot War In Pakistan
  5. so now i have to go somewhere to look up what you are talking about. geeeeeeez
  6. Chameleon, these are mp3s.
  7. AD

    Hey Bradm!

    bradm's summer home is on the north pole of mars, but only because chris lambert allows it.
  8. hehe it was announced yesterday that the archives were delayed until spring 2009
  9. Let's get it on. (Offer good for Thursday only. She could be replaced with something gross tomorrow. Note there are 17 pictures if you have the stamina)
  10. A photo is political? Nay. The interpretation is political.
  11. AD

    The new AC/DC....

    "I'm sick and tired of people saying that we put out 11 albums that sound exactly the same. In fact, we've put out 12 albums that sound exactly the same." - Angus Young
  12. sorry if this has been posted before. i don't want to kill any brain cells sifting through a thread about this dumbass
  13. someone's going to have a big slump-busting party "They took all the Rabbits but they left the Seahorse, probably because they had enough butt plugs. The Seahorse comes with a butt plug."
  14. i'll licence the name to you if you promise to maximize my returns. have your people call my people.
  15. Nope Although my favourite is probably the Gaza Strippers
  16. also, secret robot war in pakistan is probably the best band name ever. dibs.
  17. dude, if you talk about it it won't be secret anymore. jeez.
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