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Everything posted by AD

  1. nice puck drop though. as far as puck drops go, that was nice. you know.
  2. this ring of champions or whatever it's called is stupid. put the players where more than 25 people can see them at a time.
  3. you just don't like what he's done in the profession. and i never said he did what he does all that well. fuck i feel dirty defending him. look what you've made me do!!
  4. as much as i don't like Harper, as the leader of a G8 country i'm pretty sure he's 'worked in the profession.'
  5. AD

    Roll call: voted

    i posted this in the politics forum, although am not quite 100% sure of the popular vote totals: 63+% of the vote went to the left, yet we have a right-leaning government.
  6. didn't the NDP pick up 8 seats or something? including their first Quebec seat and even a seat in Alberta (defeating Rahim Jaffer?) Layton will stick around. Your analysis doesn't seem right to me.
  7. also, 63+% of the vote went to the left, yet we have a right-leaning government. i'd vote for electoral reform. but there's a good chance my vote wouldn't mean anything.
  8. i think i posted a story somewhere a while ago about a russian election where there was a 'none of the above' option. or something like that.
  9. Not being rude, but what you wrote is the very definition of ignorant.
  10. AD

    Roll call: voted

    has it ever? hehe :content:
  11. nicely done dude! tell that to your friend who pranked you earlier. karma
  12. by your logic Price, Kiprusoff and pretty much every goalie who's ever played the game should be sent out of town too. so.... move along.
  13. i just got the email denying me as well. fackers. i even voted for Fishman
  14. AD

    Roll call: voted

    i voted and i'm saddened by the bureaucracy that must totally envelope elections canada. how could they not know where i live? i pay my taxes, i have a SIN card, provincially the ministry of health and MTO know where I live, municipally i pay bills for hydro and water, yet the federal government can't simply make a list of names and put corresponding known addresses beside it? jesusfuck. people move sure, but when a person updates their address with the government, surely it would be wise to disseminate that information to departments that i say it's ok to give it to. 45 standing in a line in a hot church hall to give my vote to someone who likes election reform but has no chance to implement or influence it. fackers.
  15. To start, publish your travel journals!!! (you evil journalist)
  16. AD

    Roll call: voted

    still doesn't work for me. K2P 0W4. the correct answer is dominion chalmers church, poll 079. that website - i put in my postal code, then select 'where do i vote' under voting process, then it says it can't find my postal code "Your postal code did not identify a polling station for advance voting. Please enter your address below, or call the office below for assistance." note that i don't care about advance polling today. I've entered it with a space, without a space, with caps, without caps, etc. so i called them. they were very fast and gave me the necessary info. wonder why the site won't work though.
  17. AD

    Roll call: voted

    Roll call - can't get Elections Canada site to work properly. Yes, thank you for telling me where my advance poll is. Now tell me where the poll is TODAY ferfuck'ssake. Hope it will be fixed by voting time
  18. you'd probably draw Kovalev's face on the bag first
  19. AD

    Thanksgiving dinner

    I am thankful that when the super sharp knife slipped while I was carving the roast that I only nicked my finger, rather than taking it clean off. Carve the meat before drinking. A good tip, please trust me on this.
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