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Everything posted by AD

  1. Like, In The Trees Winnipeg band All Uncovered 'The Watchmen'? that would be cool, they were good back in the day. Wikipedia says "The "classic" lineup of Greaves, Serlin, Kohn and Tizzard have announced a one-time only reunion gig back where they were first discovered ... at The Horsehoe Tavern in Toronto on September 26, 2008." So maybe this is a warm-up gig for the "one-time only" toronto show, ha
  2. Herman Dune have worked with Julie Doiron in the past. If she's in town expect to see her on stage.
  3. AD

    Pineapple Sage

    Pineapple Express Sage
  4. AD

    New AC/DC

    can't wait for this tour
  5. doesn't matter for me. i was at the bottom of the hill in montreal and the back back back of the amphitheatre in toronto, leaning on the back fence.
  6. i saw the ok computer tour too - i like the songs they have written since then much better than pablo honey and the bends. so while sure small venues are great and intensity is great, the songs are much better of late for me. the latest montreal and toronto shows were huge, but they still felt small to me. if the performance completely holds your attention, i don't think it really matters how many other people are in the same field or stadium.
  7. i was at Elliott Brood for a bit, it sounded good
  8. ah, i'm glad i wasn't caught breaking the rules!
  9. well, i simply went from utorrent 1.8 to utorrent 1.7.7 and my speed problems were solved. no idea why. going to study the changelogs in the software release notes and see if anything rings a bell. i disabled UAC but there was no noticeable difference. i'll leave UAC disabled though.
  10. my car? really? what was i doing?
  11. I have a new friend / roommate. She's five and furry (that's what she said). Please, meet Selena
  12. i'll give it a shot but hopefully i can stick with utorrent. the latest build worked fine with fast connections in XP on my old machine. i've also tweaked the autotuninglevel thing a bit, to no avail. will try some other things tonight and report back.
  13. from the buzz those two bands create on this board i think they'd sell out downsview.
  14. no, I haven't done that and probably won't. i'm using the same internet connection and hardware, same ports, same torrent software (utorrent). i guess it's just a matter of tweaking the windows OS settings like mattm suggested. i won't go back to azeureus. i'll report back late tonight on my settings and if there is any progress.
  15. How do I turn UAC off? (And what is it? ) I don't think I used the right term - when you boot the computer and hit F8, that is what I would have had to do every boot, then answer some dialogs about TCPIP.sys I will doublecheck all the firewall / defender settings. I don't know what the correct settings should be so maybe that is the problem. I've made exceptions in the firewall for the utorrent and the associated port I've forwarded - is there something more to it than that? thanks for you help thus far! edit - I have a telephony router or whatever it's called, one ethernet slot and two phone slots. I won't be using two computers as that defeats the purpose. I bought a new computer so I could get rid of the old one since it's a boat anchor. Also I have nowhere to put two computers. And just one computer should work. I just have to find the right settings I guess. I'll try anything! (except having two computers to do the work of 1)
  16. please keep your bus quiet going down o'connor near waverley. that detour has really made my apartment pretty loud (intermittently) all summer.
  17. as sure as i can be. All settings are the same w.r.t. port forwarding, static IP, upload/download speed limits in utorrent…. Also, I can connect using my old computer (XP) and pull fast speeds, move the internet cable to the new computer and max out my speed at 12 Kbs (I don’t know how to use the capital K vs the small k in this context, so please bear with me. I think you know what I mean). any ideas?
  18. So Vista limits the incoming half-connections or something I don't quite understand, but the result is very slow torrents and P2P traffic. I've found articles detailing how to fuck with your settings, changing the TCPIP.sys file and running some UAC patch, but I don't want to do this as it means going into the BIOS or something every time one boots. So, does anyone have insight into this? How can I get Vista to behave properly with regard to torrents and P2P?
  19. Grizzly Bear blogged for Rolling Stone while opening the eastern leg of the Radiohead tour. Here's their last entry. Must have been quite the time. Another take on the same night, from Grizzly Bear
  20. Spezza finds 'comfortable' spot to settle down here is the listing Dinghy, isn't this right near your place? Or at least where you lived that one time I was at your house before that Sens game?
  21. what did lefsetz write about managers?
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