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Everything posted by AD

  1. He is off to Afghanistan I believe. Safe travels, take lots of pictures!! And do good work!
  2. Wilco always picks great openers
  3. bland bland bland bland bland but glad people are liking it. i just think she can do so much better.
  4. Plants and Animals will definitely win. That Kathleen Edwards disc is pretty bad (compared to what she's capable of anyways)
  5. i was there the year after it opened and it definitely held my attention all day.
  6. I liked the Montreal show; I LOVED the Toronto show. Fantastic night.
  7. it would be cooler if it didn't sound like a thousand lawnmowers were outside my window every 30 minutes. also, you've never seen a plane before?
  8. I am too busy complaining about the damn Stearman Biplane that flys over my neighbourhood!
  9. although, if you just left-clicked them to listen they would have downloaded to some temp directory on your machine if i'm not mistaken. you could probably search the temp directories for mp3 files and they'd be there. maybe
  10. Great reporting - did anyone think to ask why the players were in such a pose?
  11. i'll put in a hearty 'do not go there' for PC Cyber's westboro location. They were assholes who didn't know what they were talking about. This was 2 years ago, so things have probably changed. But I won't be going back to find out.
  12. I'd bet on raccoons, they are vicious little beasts and would have no problem harassing and fighting / hurting another animal. is abbey vaccinated against leptospirosis? raccoons can carry that disease in this area and it's quite harmful to dogs.
  13. i'll vouch for them as well, haven't bought a computer there in 6 years i think, but when i did it was good service and good prices.
  14. did you see the bluesfest show bouche?
  15. Jim James’ set from the Newport Folk Festival can be downloaded at the always-excellent Aquarium Drunkard blog. I’m not gonna link to the actual post though, as there are lots of other goodies on the site that you might find appealing (such as She and Him from Newport…). (His set is on the first page though.)
  16. so for instance, say i want to download dick's picks 29 ( and boy do i ever ). i click on each rapidshare link, it goes to the stupid advertisement page, i click through to get to the actual rapidshare page. i copy the url into notepad, and repeat for each part of the rar file (parts 1-7, in this case). http://rapidshare.com/files/82890250/DP29.part7.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/82890232/DP29.part6.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/82890158/DP29.part5.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/82890076/DP29.part4.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/82890017/DP29.part3.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/82889958/DP29.part2.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/82889902/DP29.part1.rar then, i open the rapidshare download manager, click add from the download tab, then enter the text file above into the window, and hit the 'take links' button. then, it starts crawling along downloading uber-slowly. i eventually get all the files, and it's fine for loading up a bunch when i go to sleep. but is there a better way? anyone know a better way?
  17. i joined up with rapidshare to take advantage of all the dick's picks on here. the thing i hate, and kev, if you have a way around this please do tell, but when using the rapidshare download manager the DLs are suuuuuper slow. Like 4 KB/s. Whereas just manually clicking each file I can pull over 100 KB/s. The only reason I use the download manager is because my connection drops a lot and the download manager will resume where it left off, unlike straight downloading in firefox. So my question is, should i use a different download manager? or is there a preferred server i should use in the settings area rather than just whatever server it picks for me? any tips? i really don't like copying and pasting the links into the download manager either. i could be doing this all wrong. any help would be awesome. soooo much good music on this site. and so many good movies. all you phish people, the complete discography is on here as well as all the Live Phish releases.
  18. You're mad at a small festival that is raising money for a community centre for not giving you a free media pass? My questions via email weren't answered either, but I used facebook and called the Grad Club and got all my answers, politely and quickly.
  19. Leaving in a couple hours. Are you coming?
  20. 1. I don't give a shit about what Pat Hentgen says about anything 2. I'm not saying Henke or any closer deserves credit for any starter's wins - I'm saying they deserve credit for letting starting pitchers keep their wins. [color:purple]I think that's called a Save. 3. Stieb was a great pitcher, you don't have to convince me.
  21. There's a reason the starters (such as Stieb) have so many wins - a strong closer like Henke or Ward shuts down the other team in the final innings. Just as important a position, IMO.
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