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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. Warfirin (sp) does work but it takes some patience. I had a mouse/rat (oh we all want to believe it's mice) problem in my present abode and it took them a few weeks to eat it all in 8 different locations. I'd check every possible corner. There was sh!t in places I thought no vermin could fit. Behind that pile of CD's. Check. Under that bookshelf. Check. Mine were coming in through the fireplace where they had dug through brick!!! I just warfirined the sh!t out of the key areas and in two weeks, gone. Did they die in the walls? Maybe. Did they die? DEFINITELY.

    Dude, that's big fu©kin rat. Better hope he's alone. Or not training Ninja Turtles.

  2. Fluff- I find it to be beat driven, but not the party that Midnite Vultures is. Some old school beck rapping but clearly the most impressive part are the subtle noises and layering, layering, layering. His singing voices leans at times toward his Sea Change voice. First listen good, first headphone listen awesome. Can't wait for 5.1!!!

  3. Fluff - Ahem...it's not (hee,hee)

    AD, I've been downloading occasionally from Torrentbox and some guy keeps throwing up these Phish mixes. I just d/l part two of this guys work. The first one is an all SB blender of posthiatus jams akin to what that guy was doing on etree with Phall 97 Jams series. Great just to throw on in the background or while driving. If you have soulseek, it's still on my hd. PM me.

  4. Try. But if you are the junkie you claim to be, you won't be able to. Trust me, I know.

    I, too, am a news junkie. From mainstream to alternative, the Globe to Znet, I need all angles on the news, especially international. I think it stems from my belief that I can better "predict the future" the more I know. Plus as a historian, I feel the need to try to the best of my ability to cobble together a sense of present history.

    The key reason I believe this to be a futile attempt however is that once you have that curiousity, unless you distract it with something else, it will nag at you and when you get back, you'll be even more pissed off you "missed" this or that.

    I know that I can do it in small doses, but it is usually while camping or cottaging (and even then, I still grab a newspaper whenever possible) I feel your disgust at the world, but like a car wreck, I just can not look away. Future generations may depend on it.

    Either way, good luck.

  5. Do you feel this way?

    I gotta be honest but sometimes, I do allow myself to feel a smug sense of superiority. And I think some of you do too. It's fun to indulge in the notion that "we" have something figured out that "they" don't. Sometimes all it is simply the knowledge to wear warmer clothes if you are going to be standing out in a line-up. Sometimes even the thought to a certain extent that I am a more rounded individual because I can expreciate a wide variety of music, including in periods "theirs" while "they" may have a more difficult time expreciating mine.

    Does it really bother you that a bar may have a band with 50 people in attendance while the dance club next door has over 500 people passing through the doors?

    Non, chacon son gout.

    Are those people wrong to attend that club?

    Wrong, no. They often have more fun than we do.

    Do you feel this scene is strong and reslient, or is it fragile and therefore should be protected?

    From what? The only thing our scene needs to be protected from is apathy.

    Is pop music a threat to either your "scene" or personal identity?

    Pop music IS part of my identity.

    Is having a succesful recording career (and earning a lot of money along the way) necessarily shallow, manipulative and evil?


    Is it vain to be clean, well-groomed and well-dressed?

    No, you can be vain and not well groomed, well-dressed or dressed at all.

    Do you feel reassured to be among your "own" no matter what band is on stage? No matter what they play or how they play it?

    Not at all. Some of my own, scare and annoy me out of the scene or in the scene. There are very few people in the world you can have a good time anywhere with. When you find'em, latch on tight.

    Great topic, MarcO. Hope to come to Hamilton soon.

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