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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. Stone Mtn. - I think that anyone that knows me will tell you that I don't have an elitist bone in my body. Your contributions and of many others are some that I legitimately enjoy reading. You are a great part of this community.

    I suppose I should have not used the terms newbie and vets, they are unfair and do, as someone else pointed out, infer a hierarchy. To be honest, I'm not sure what I was up to. I realize that the universe, both right here and out there, ebbs and flows, high and low. I firmly believe that dialogue can change things and perhaps I was subconsciously hoping to bring about some sort of change. I'm a sentimental sap, I love "the good old days" of alot of things but in no means meant to insult frequent posters, I guess I just wanted to spur on some old faces. I love this place and all who work so hard to make it happen including the ones who still put the effort into posting. I'm babbling at this point but hey, it's dialogue and it's positive.

    PS You know anyone out there in Whistler that makes Grand Bend their summer home? I could compile a list of about 20 over the last few years!

  2. and I won't have it probably til Saturday ::

    From the moe. website:

    "moe. will host a charity concert to benefit Tsunami Relief. The concert will be held at New York's Roseland Ballroom, Thursday, February 10 at 8PM. moe. will be joined by various artists throughout the evening, including guitarist Trey Anastasio, MMW keyboardist John Medeski, mandolin virtuoso Sam Bush and Vorcza keyboardist Ray Paczkowski."

    Giddy up!

  3. Yesterday, MarcO began his discussion with "in an effort to stir things up around here"

    So I offer, have things gotten stale around the Skank? Has the Skank diverged from its original mandate? What is the mandate? Is it different things to different people?

    Personally, I have seen a change in the Sanctuary. It's still a great place to hang out, meet some folks, pick up loads of info (some useful, some useless) and talk about music. Currently however, with the disbandment of one Phish (remember when this used to be called the Phish Sanctuary?), the ebbing of the Can Jam scene, and generally running out of "topics" (who wants to fight the indy/jam battle again?) perhaps we've jumped the shark.

    However, I think what it has come down to for me, personally, is a shift in the participation of the people that used to be on all the time. I think that newbies tend to post more, I know that veterans definitely pick and choose these days (with a few exceptions). I certainly am NOT inviting the elements that promote negativity for negativity sake, but at the end of the day, I think it all comes down to more meaningful participation.

    I dunno, it's alot to chew on. So chew.

  4. Corky's Playpen? Which one of these guys are Corky?1/1/05


    Mattress World - 1/1/05


    Two of my favorites from this year's new years. That first one should be a "create a caption"

    As for a name change, good luck. Once it sticks, it's stuck. Just begin denying it exists, ala Area 51. Better yet, start rumors that you are housing alien space craft there and THEN deny it exists.

  5. This is good stuff, folks. Keep it up.

    As far as it goes for my students, as this was a survey course and we didn't quite get past the 60's, I wanted them to incorporate the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Paine, The Constitution etc and see if America the idea came to pass. The obvious dealt with slavery, the captains of industry, Hiroshima, imperialism in late 19th century, faux isolationism etc.

    By far, the two I was most impressed with were the refuters. One who is a clear right winger and loves to get my goat (a note at the end of his exam expressed his distain for my leftist leadings right down to the exam question) but is one of the brightest kids. He argued that there was no way the founding fathers could have predicted the destruction of Europe and its empires, leaving a void for the up and rising USA to fill (personally, I'd argue that the US had already made heavy imperialistic inroads with Asian expansion and keeping their end of the Monroe Doctrine but) and going on to argue that the Fathers would have been proud of the captialistic domination of the US and it's ability to maintain a democratic system.

    Another brillant kid riffed off of an adlib comment that I had forgetten that I even made. When talking about civil rights, I quipped that the only time that the US moves closer to equally for all Americans are when Democrats are in control (FDR's New Deal, LBJ's great society). This too was her argument, that one can look at significant leaps forward made by Americans and that it is the legacy of the ideals that still drive Americans to betterment of their situation. Good stuff all around.

    A's for discussion marks for all of you involved (except AD who, as requested, will receive part marks just for mentioning the Red Sox's struggle)

  6. Maybe you can do better than some of my students did

    In Gr 11 American History:

    The founding fathers had a very specific vision for America based around the ideals which they fought for during the Revolutionary War. It can be argued that during the course of its history, America has betrayed the very principles of its creators. Using a minimum of three areas or events, defend or refute this idea in a properly structured essay.

    I got 19 defending, 3 refuting. Where do you stand?

    Edited for BradM

  7. Your concerns in order, in my opinion:

    1)Does it really matter, cosmically speaking, if I don't get up and go to work in the morning? Of course not, and frankly, if you are a teacher and you haven't figured out that at least one of those 20 sick days is a mental health day, reconsider. It's a good thing my prinicpal doesn't have a copy of Jambase or a very interesting pattern would start to appear.

    2)As far as being pissed while marking, depends on the material. I find exams easier to mark because I don't have to put comments and have occasionally marked under the mild influence of substances. However, it's all about your comfort level. English can be so subjective, I'd be afraid of spotting genius where none exists.

    3)In my board of ed, snow day = act of nature and for me that was two Thursday's ago(granted I drive 30 mins through the country to get to my school)

    4)I find the solicitation of Hamilton for educational and substance abuse issues to be amusing on a variety of levels.

    5)Good luck marking exams. I'm just waiting for another batch to roll in. One down, two more to go!!! Good luck.

  8. Lynn, take solice in the fact that even trained professionals get shaken by these situations. My mom, a registered nurse, was first on the scene to a bad accident and I remember it rattling HER for a day or so (remember that, Sunshine?) Laser vibes for all involved


  9. Ed: please give a very special welcome to Beat Poet Night, the angry stylings of...... Steven

    Stapes: Old man sitting at a bus stop,what DO you know about the price of almonds, when the world dissolves around us like icing sugar in the cold hard rain of reality?

  10. Experimental Saturday here but I have scored a winner!

    Super Sassy Scrambled Eggs

    Take Three Slices of Bacon, Handful of Finely Chopped Onions, Green Peppers and Mushrooms

    Fry in a pan until the bacon is semi cooked and veggies sautied

    Beat 3 eggs and add.


    Add 1 and a half tablespoons of Herb and Garlic Cream Cheese 30 sec. before serving. Stir in thoroughly.

    Add salt and pepper

    Serve with ranch dressing on top.

    It....was....heaven! And made up on the spot!

    Try it. You'll love it.

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