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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. Dear NewRider, Members of The Hold Steady do NOT count as pets. Sincerely, Mgmt.
  2. where'd you get that pic of basher?!?!
  3. It's TBR for me, if anything. I hate the drive back to KW after Buffalo shows.
  4. I didn't even know there were 2 Kostitsyns.
  5. well, we know where this ended up. Posted purely for the thread title. GO HABS!!!!!
  6. who are these tits people you're always referring to?
  7. what time ya going on (roughly)? Forgot about plans before hand so I have to withdraw the pre-pops offer.
  8. Gotta give the Blue Jay love while we can. 25 wins is tied for 2nd in the majors!!! Go Jays Go!!
  9. i like where this is going....pussies.
  10. You mean to tell me that someone actually listens to Booche? I call bunk
  11. I have a travelling scale for bands....ie: how far would i travel to see them and them only. It expands beyond that as well to: would I go the 100km to Toronto to see them on a weeknight. the answer of 0km precludes the second question.
  12. I'm there. Feel free to come by for a few pops before you play, mike.
  13. You just ain't got it in ya, bud. I'd say nice guys finish last, but that has been saved for the Leafs.
  14. The losin' is getting to ya, pal. Go toss a rock in the ocean and have a time out. Pretty sure that i've noticed: -no one ever gives a shit what i post -no has ever thought i was that funny -i have to be on about 50 people's ignore list, so what makes the Rich Stadium crew any different.
  15. since when has what i've ever posted depended on what you or anyone else thought? reciprocat'd. Even funnier or would you prefer stranger, since none of this is funny, is the fact that the first time you mentioned anything is when the Habs have looked their absolute worst.
  16. Let the rationalizations/excuses commence.
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