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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. Italian and French coaches refusing to shake hands. Classic ass wipe moves by ass wipe sides.
  2. that dude haunts me. doppleganger'd.
  3. reports have the epicenter at the Quebec/Ontario border. perdydamncool!
  4. super cool! a first for me.
  5. I think we just experienced a tremor here in good ol' KW. Entire building shook back and forth for about 5 seconds. Very mild, but very cool :chug:
  6. Schwa.


    Can't wait to hear the Mike's > Hydrogen > Weekapaug Sneakin' > Mansfield Jam always great when they throw an extended jam on the end of Sneakin' Sally or Suzy Greenburg.
  7. I didn't say WHERE in Chatham you could buy the house. I hear there are some pretty trashy shitpiles on Tweedsmuir too.
  8. hahahaha, cops involved on a single case of beer theft. musta been a slow day in Chatham.....they usually are.
  9. Schwa.

    RC Tottenham

    WHOA!! that's a crazy story dude. glad there were no serious injuries. the "hippie" site was where all of the major jams were this year. we've got them fuckers outnumbered now!! funny tidbit....with all the hippie-grass goin' on at our site one fella turns to me after a song and says, "I haven't heard any of these god-damned songs" and walks away.
  10. ^^what he/she said^^ talk about your economically dying cities. ....but on the upside you can buy a house in Chatham now for $70,000.00
  11. Camp Canada lives again!! Good work, Joni!!
  12. Lookin' to lose another job? smrt.
  13. I think there are several people that aren't avid posters here that are going. estimates run at 10-12 people, i think. me my brother blair craig sari maeghan teekins mickey rob ^^I know these for sure^^
  14. Schwa.

    RC Tottenham

    I had sooooo much fun playing with everyone for the 3 nights I was there. Easily 4-5 hours each night. Apologies are in order for my drunken-lost dog yelling Sunday morning though. Lessons were learned I do hate being "that guy." Not sure where the lynch mob reference came from. I've been the last 4 years and have seen nothing of the sort. Probably just need to stay away from RV land. GREAT TIMES!!
  15. just (hahahahahahahahaha) read the (hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha) news BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (breath) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahaha....hahahaha....haha.haaaaaaa. thank you for that one Gautier! Perfect way to end the week
  16. Dear boiler rat's work, I'll see to it that what he said happens. ~Schwa.
  17. Looks like I'm so bad at gambling I can't even bet on myself to lose. 2 pts out of 1st!!
  18. the MRI was for a dislocated knee back in Feb. The doctor says to me "we found a few things that aren't consistent with a dislocated knee, yada, yada....." and I reply, "oh, I know where that came from, yada yada...." and he says, "and he's still your friend?" classic.
  19. The "don't bother because you're not actually from there" store.
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